Chapter Twelve - Little Kids

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I woke up with a groan as a heavy weight landed on me. I glared at Two-bit as he laid over my body grinning at me. I pushed him off onto the floor. I heard Dally start laughing from the bathroom

"Told ya man. She's not a morning person" I flipped Dally off as I turned over facing the wall with all intentions to go back to sleep. 

"Ah, no you don't" Dally said as he came running at me. He grabbed the blanket ripping it away from me causing me to shiver.

"DALLY" I yelled as I tried to hit him and get the blanket back. He laughed pulling the blanket high out of my reach. I groaned knowing the only way for me to get it was to get out of bed. I turned back over cuddling into myself. Two-bit laughed as Dally grabbed the pillow from under my head. I started at the wall for a minute before closing my eye's again. Dally slapped me with the pillow. I turned over catching him off guard. He stumbled back away from me as I pulled the pillow from his hands and began hitting him with it. I could hear Two laughing the entire time. I turned wacking Two before Dally grabbed me from behind lifting me from the ground and throwing me on the bed. I screamed at the sudden movement. Once I landed on the bed I grabbed the pillow from Dally's side of the bed throwing it at him as he walked back into the bathroom

"Is this an everyday occurrence?" Two laughed as he sat on the floor. I stood from the bed walking into the bathroom where Dally was fixing his hair. I pushed him out before getting myself ready for the day.

"Don't take forever in there. We gotta met Johnny and Pony" Dally called as he banged on the door. I rolled my eye's as I turned on the water to the shower

"Fuck off" I heard Dally laugh. I finished in the shower changing into one of Dally's black t-shirts and a pair of jeans. I fixed my hair letting it fall naturally before putting on my usual black eyeliner and red lipstick. I walked out of the bathroom to see Dally laying on the bed with his arm behind his head and a cancer stick in his hand. Two was sitting on the floor leaning back onto his hands as they talked. Once the boys noticed me they both stopped looking in my direction. Dally smiled

"Ah, didn't take forever and you still look hot" Two gagged at his comment causing me to laugh.

"What are you doing here anyway Two? You never come over here" Two looked at Dally like he was asking permission. Dally nodded.

"Well, while Dally was in the cooler I got suspicions about Donna and Sodapop." Intrigued I moved toward the bed sitting on the edge. Dally wrapped his hand around my waist.

"I told Dally about it when I got the chance to go see him and he asked me to keep an eye on them"

"And?" I questioned

"I think they might be together" I tilted my head. My mind immediately went to Soda's comment and Donna's reaction yesterday. Dally pulled on me

"You know something?" I shook my head

"No, just noticed a few things is all. I wouldn't be surprised if they are. Soda clearly likes her. Has for a while. Pretty sure the only reason he never acted on it was because of you" I said turning my attention toward my boyfriend. I could see it in Dally's face he was not happy

"I'll kill that kid" I laughed

"No. You will not. Soda ain't like these other boys. He's nice and a gentleman. He'll treat her well" 

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now