Chapter Three - Tease

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The next morning we were off. I wasn't entirely sure where we were headed. We walked for what seemed like forever and we weren't even close to being out of New York yet. My feet are throbbing and my legs are numb but I carried on. I didn't want to seem like a 'burden' like Dallas had called me before. I thought that would be the worst of it but then the thunder started and the sun seemed to disappear. Great.

"That's fucking fantastic" Donna said the sarcasm evident in her voice. I laughed at her. I've only been with them for about a day but Donna was already my favorite person. She's funny, sarcastic, and over all a bitch but she's nice to me so I could care less. 

Then there's Dallas or Dally as Donna calls him. I'm not sure were we stand. He's an ass but he can be really sweet when he wants to be. If I'm being honest I think I might have an itsy bitsy teeny tiny crush on him. It's basically non-existent. Hear me out though. He's an ass yes, but he's very fun to look at and I may or may not have a thing for asshole guys. But don't we all?

"Jo, pay attention doll that's the third time you almost walked into me" Dally said rolling his eyes as he pushed me further away from him. I rolled my eyes back at him and tried to hide my face as my cheeks heated up. Okay maybe I have a bigger crush on him, but I refuse to admit that to anyone. Dallas Winston shall never find out about this. 

We walked longer and further my legs hurting more and more with each step. It had yet to rain but thunder continued to rumble. I noticed Donna start to slow down as she walked ahead of us. Donna even though she's the shortest, walked faster then either me or Dally. She had walked quite a bit ahead of us the whole time, Dally and I walked side by side, him just a few steps ahead of myself. 

"You good Don?" Dally called out catching on to her slower pace. Donna stopped completely turning toward me and her brother rolling her eyes. 

"No. My feet hurt" she crossed her arms over her chest "and I'm cold. Plus it's gonna start raining any minute now" Dally grunted as he looked up at the dark sky. 

"Well if you didn't walk so damn fast. Were walking not running track" Donna rolled her eyes at her brother. One thing I noticed about the siblings was that they constantly rolled their eyes. Most of the time at each other. I stood off to the side arms crossed over my chest letting the pair talk.

"Shut up. I just want to be out of here already" 

"Alright, alright. Go to that diner down the road I'll go find us a place" Donna smiled widely at him causing him to roll his eyes again. Dally walked off leaving me and Donna alone. She motioned for me to follow and we walked to the diner just a few feet from where we were. We sat at a booth near the back. My feet and legs already felt better. 

"So" Donna said catching my attention. I sat across from her and watched as she studied my features catching me off guard. I raised my eye brow at her

"Dally" Does she know? How could she possibly know? I furrowed my brows in confusion trying to play it off hoping she's not trying to hint at what I think she is.

"What about him?" She laughed at that throwing her head back. Fuck, she knows.

"You so like him." There goes my damn cheeks again. God do I ever not blush? I turned my attention toward my hands. 

"How did you figure that out?" Her mouth and eyes opened widely as she leaned on the table a little laugh escaping her mouth.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now