Chapter Eight - Roller Rink

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The next morning when I woke up I was happier then I had been in awhile. I don't know if it was the fact Dally was officially my boyfriend or that we finally found a long term place to stay, which meant no more long days walking in the cold.

We had gone over to the Dingo again for some breakfast before roaming the town. We learnt there was an ongoing turf war. The Socials aka Soc's who lived on the South side of town where the rich upperclassmen while the Greasers who lived on the North side where the poor "trashy" ones.

We happen to fit in with the Greasers. It also made since why almost everyone we crossed paths with had greasy hair. With in the two days of being here Dally already developed a strong hatred for the Soc's. Not that I can blame him much.

We had witnessed a group of Soc's driving down the sidewalk chasing a group of greasers. It was sad really. It seemed like the Soc's got away with it to. It scared me a bit not going to lie. If we where staying like we planned then sooner or later Dally was going to get himself in trouble with the Soc's. We had wondered around town for a little bit longer before coming across a small roller skating rink. We walked inside on behalf of Donna's request. We rented a pair of skates for Donna and I with some money we stole.

"Imma go grab some cancer sticks" Dally said as he left. Me and Donna made our way to a table close to the rink before putting our skates on. There weren't many people here and those that were all had long greasy hair. Greasers.

"So I just realized. I don't know how to skate" I said turning toward Donna who was tying her skates. She looked up at me a smirk on her face. She stared at me for a minute before laughing.

"Hey, don't laugh! My parents never took me roller skating! Only Ice skating!" Donna looked at me in disbelief

"You know how to ice skate but not roller skate?" I laughed and nodded. It was funny really. Roller skating was seemingly easier then ice skating but my parents where big hockey fans so they brought me to an ice rink at every opportunity.

"Alright I'll try my best to teach you but I'm not a great teacher. Oh, and if you fall I can't promise I'm not gonna laugh" I laughed as I finished tying my skates

"If I fall I'm gonna laugh so don't worry about it" Donna guided me toward the rink. It didn't seem that hard so far but boy was I wrong. As soon as I stepped onto the rink I tumbled forward before landing face first on the ground. Donna burst out laughing falling over me. I just laid on the ground laughing trying not to get embarrassed.

"Hey you need some help?" I looked up to see a boy about a year or so younger then me with his hand held out. He had dark brown greasy hair and bright green eyes. I nodded as I grabbed his hand helping pull myself off the ground. As soon as I was back on my feet I took a hold of the wall not wanting to fall again so soon. I turned toward Donna noticing another boy around the same age with tan skin and dark hair helping her to her feet as she continued laughing

"Hey it's not that funny dumbass" I shouted slaping her arm trying not to laugh myself. She just laughed harder.

"Uh, thanks for the help. My teacher over here isn't doing a great job" I said turning my attention back to the boy who helped me. He laughed

"You don't know how to skate?" I shook my head

"We can always help you. I bet you won't fall as much" The other boy said. I laughed but nodded. I held my hand out to them both.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now