Chapter Nineteen - Goodbye

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I sat on the couch of Two-bit's living room. A few week's had passed since Dally and Johnny died and I couldn't be alone. I woke with nightmare's every night and developed a severe case of anxiety. Two-bit's mother had been kind enough to let me stay with them and now move in. Two-bit and Steve had emptied out my room above Buck's while Darry, Soda, and Pony would be in court. I had offered to help but the boys refused after witnessing the panic attack I had the first time I went up there. Donna would spend most of her day's at work trying to distract herself. Darry gained custody of the boy's and after a few much needed days off from school Ponyboy was back. Johnny's funeral was yesterday. His parent's made a big show of it and made sure we didn't get an invite. The boy's had taken turns spying around their house to get a hint of when it would be and we had shown up, much to their surprise. His father wasn't too happy and had thrown a fit, his mother yelled at us calling us no goods and telling us we were the reason their son was dead. We all tried to keep our cool until his mother had gotten in my face telling me Dally was better off dead. Donna and I both attacked her. We got a few good hit's in until the gang and other greaser's pulled us off.

Today was Dally's funeral. We had secured a plot for him beside Johnny. It was only right they were buried together. I was dressed in a black lace dress that fell to my knees. Two-bit's sister, Mya had lend me. Two-bit came down the steps stopping in front of me. He reached his hand out to me. I took it as he pulled me off the couch.

"Alright, Ma. Were off" Two shouted through the house. His mom made an appearance at the entrance to the kitchen a towel in her hand as she wiped them.

"You sure you don't want me to drive ya?" She asked. Mya appeared beside her.

"We're good. We're gonna meet the other's and walk over together" She nodded. Mya walked toward me pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back. We pulled away as I gave her a slight smile noticing the worry in her eye's

"I'll be okay. I'm used to this part" I told her. The younger girl nodded. Two and I left the house walking down the road where the other's stood, waiting. I could see Donna wrapped in Soda's arms while he rubbed her back in comfort. We approached with out a word and headed off toward the cemetery. When we arrived the Greasers where standing around waiting. I could see the Shepards standing at the front waiting to get us. We stood around the shallow grave Greasers patted me on the back and gave their condolences. We all picked up a shovel as they lowered Dally's body into the shallow grave. I held my breath holding back tears. We all took turns shoveling pile's of dirt filling the grave. Once we where finished the other Greasers left some leaving wilted flowers on both Dally and Johnny's gave. The gang sat around in a circle. I sat beside the small headstone leaning against it. Donna sat on the other side of me, then Soda, and Steve. Two-Bit sat beside Steve but left enough room between them to see Johnnys grave. Pony sat across from me on the other side of the headstone beside Darry.

"Ya remember the day we met. In the Dingo. He had me shiting myself" Two said causing everyone to laugh quietly.

"Yeah, or that time him and Jo came barreling in the house when they were running from the cop" Soda laughed

"Which time?" Darry asked

"Oh, remember that time in the roller rink. When you and Donna were freaking out cause he came in and y'all were scared he was gonna try and hurt Johnny and I?" Pony asked me. I pulled my knee's to my chest resting my head on my hands nodding at him

"What about that time Darry let Anna drive and she almost drove right through the DX" Steve added

"Sound's like Jo" Two added laughing

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now