Chapter Thirteen - The Drive-in

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I crawled through the opening under the wire fence the boys following. We walked through the drive in Pony and Johnny's attention was on the movie while mine and Dally's was on a couple fighting outside their car. We made it to the seats hopping the fence. I sat between Dally and Pony. Dally leaned back lighting a cancer stick blowing the smoke in my face. He grinned at me when I shot him a glare.

"You sure you wanna do this?" A dark haired Soc girl asked as her and her friend sat in front of us.

"I came here to see a movie and I'm gonna see a movie" The friend complained. My eye's widened as I recognized the girl. Her bright red hair gave it away. Sat before us was Sherri, or as her friend's called her Cherry, Valence. A Soc who just happened to be dating another Soc, Bob Sheldon. The same Soc that beat up Johnny a couple weeks ago. I shot Dally a look, it took him a second before he caught on.

"I'm freezing, man." Pony complained from beside me

"Why didn't you bring your coat, stupid?" Dally questioned. Dally gave me a look as if he was asking permission. I sighed knowing what it was he wanted to do before nodding. He leaned back in his seat again.

"Some cute readhead, huh?" He asked the boys. The boys shot me a look but I ignored them keeping my attention on the movie. Dally leaned forward getting close to Sherri's ear.

"Are you a real readhead?" He asked. I crossed my arms trying to ignore the jealously that rose in me. I had nothing to be jealous of, I knew that. He was only flirting with her to try and get under her skin enough for her to tell Bob, so then Bob would seek us out and we could give him what was coming his way.

"Come on, Dal" Johnny said trying to get him to stop. I couldn't help the slight smile that made it's way to my face. Johnny was always one to stand up for others even if he was afraid.

"Are you real?" Dally continued. I looked at him confused.

"What kind of pick up line was that?" I whispered to myself. Pony smiled at me trying not to laugh having heard my comment. Dally leaned back in his chair once more going to kick his feet up on the chair beside Sherri. I knew that he was a flirt and he'd get what he wanted from Sherri even though it was going to bother me, so I decided to elbow him just enough to send him tumbling out of his chair. Everyone including myself began laughing. Dally shot me a playful glare before standing up. He got real close to Sherri once more playing with the ends of her hair.

"How can I find out if this is your-your real red hair?" My smiled dropped. I had messed up. He knew I was feeling jealous. He loved it when I was jealous, which meant he was going to make it his mission to not only get under her skin but to make sure I'd be filled with jealousy by the end of the movie.

"Cut it out Dal" Johnny tried again

"If this is the same red hair you have on your.. your eyebrows" He poked her eyebrow causing her to pull away. I crossed my arms over my chest biting my lip. I hated that he knew what he was doing. As Dally sat back laughing I reminded myself that this was to get revenge for Johnny. Dally kicked his feet onto the back of Sherri's chair

"Get your feet off of my chair and shut your trap" Sherri fired back for the first time.

"Who's gonna make me, huh?" Dally asked getting annoyed

"Who, your boyfriend?"

"I heard he just got out of jail or something?" Sherri's friend whispered to her. I glared at her. Bringing up his record was unnecessary to the situation. Especially because Sherri with out a doubt recognized us anyway. Everyone knew who Dally and I were.

Shot in the dark - Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now