monkey see, monkey doesn't do

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silly girl,
"you don't know how to use your head?"
"your common sense's broke?"
you've seen it happened,
you've lived it before,
you've even heard the saying,
"the lesson will be repeated till it's learned."
you keep going straight when you know you should turn.
there's nothing down that end that you've haven't seen before.
a dead end—
a street leading you nowhere except to disappointments.
silly girl,
why don't you move?
it can't be your eyes,
cause you recognized the signs.
it can't be your ears,
cause you hesitated after hearing the cautions.
maybe it's your heart...
how many more cracks in it do you need till you break?
must it shatter for you to move differently?
or will you not even then?
silly girl,
don't you know you're better off dead then staying in the same place.

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