yon dragon ak yon zanj

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Who would've know?
Who would've thought?
That two souls
with completely different lives
couldn't help but be in each other's.
Push & Pull.
Yin & Yang.
Light & Dark.
What shouldn't be together strangely is.
What shouldn't work together oddly does.
they are what they are.
But together...
together they are magic.
Together they bring out each other in each other.
They are like foil characters of a romance novel
A tragedy though that is.
Because although they act as though they aren't aware that they shouldn't be,
they know that the world will surely remind them.
And so they must keep it all hidden,
until they feel that their love won't be under fire.
And just as all forbidden loves start,
they all must come to an end,
Pray that they get to enjoy each other,
for as long as they can have each other.
God have mercy on Romeo and Juliet for whatever happens after.
Because violent delights truly do have violent ends.

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