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In the subway late at night ]— Bamboo and a Bird by Linda Gregg
with my closest friends by my side
as we wait for a train to pass on by.
A gush of wind blows our hair back
and shuts our eyes.
As soon as they open, so do the doors.
And we find ourselves—all by ourselves
—free in the empty train.
Free to do whatever we please
all at ease.
There are no worries,
no overthinking, no stress
no longing to rest.
Just us and the train.
No idea where it'll take us,
where we'll go.
Just an exuberant feeling of knowing
that we don't have to.
Don't have to worry where we're going,
where this night will take us;
Don't have to stress, overthink,
or long for a break.
Just let the wind blow our hair back,
shut our eyes,
and let the doors open up to a world unknown
only for us to find ourselves late at night
with each other by our sides.

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