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I have mystical visions and cosmic vibrations. ]— America by Allen Ginsberg
I have dreams within dreams.
I get a gut feeling of how things are gonna turn out
before they even start.
It's easy to determine people's responses.
Nothing's enigmatic anymore,
it's all too predictable, too expected.
I want to be surprised again.
To be left utterly clueless
and in the dark once more.
To be out on a cliff-hanger and wonder
when will a rope be thrown out to me.
To have a wave of multiple emotions
all hit me at once as I wait for the drop
at the top of a rollercoaster.
To have my eyes glued to the pages of a book and be shut out
by the interrupting words, "to be continued..."
And have those last three dots stay on my mind, and nothing else,
until I get another hit again.
But until then—until "previously"
I must lie under the covers—over the pillows,
for the only thing I don't know anymore
is where I'll go when I shut my eyes
and visit REM once again.

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