
19 1 0

There are two but you only see one.
There are two but you won't let there be two.
The face looking into the mirror must be...
as enough of the one looking back at it.
(Which is the one looking? Which is the one looking back?
Or can they not be or do both?)
They look the same so they must be the same.
They breathe the same air and bleed the same blood so they must be the same.
You find difficultly in seeing the difference so they must be the same.

But at the same time...
you do.
You see two but won't let them be ones of themselves.

Can there be balance in unbalance?
Can there be a yin without a yang?
Must there always be competition?
Must there always be one good and one bad?
Can they not live as individual souls
without being put up against each other?
Can they not be two?
Must there always be one?

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