Chapter 33

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Seven months in New York, and finally, my feet are now in the country where my home is. It's been a long time. Naramdaman ko kaagad ang temperatura na kakaiba sa New York. Thank goodness, I'm not going to spend the Christmas holiday there, or I'll freeze to death.

Nalulungkot lang ako na naiwan ko si Mommy. I was happy that she remembered me on my last visit before I flew here to the Philippines. I promised her that I'd always visit her and besides my graduation is in January.

I've got to run though because Ate Avi's intimate wedding will be in less than three hours. They planned it to be a sunset wedding. Sporting a yellow mini dress with an open back lace up and partnered with white sneakers, I stepped outside terminal 1.

In just a second, I heard high-pitched yells and bombarding questions. I gasped when I saw at the side a whole crowd running up to me with their angry faces and holding posters with my face on them. I got chills, and I felt weak when my eyes flew to the media. There were news reporters holding microphones to get an interview from me.

I couldn't breathe in with people crowding at me. Law and Dave weren't enough to stop them. My eyes were ringing, and my vision was blurry from the panic I was feeling.

"Miss Kate, do you confirm that you're Aviolin Castellano's ghostwriter?"

"Miss Kate, what is your stand in this controversy that people are accusing you of?"

"Miss Kate, how are you in New York? Do you confirm that you graduated from your program, creative writing?"

"Miss Kate, what do you want to say to your haters who burnt your novels?"

I found myself in the air being carried away from the media and the people yelling and cursing at me. I exhaled and panted. Tears pooled my eyes. It was then I realized that it was Pierre who was carrying me.

My tears fell from his white shirt. I sobbed loudly. It's Pierre. It's him. I buried my face in his neck. I can smell the perfume I gave to him. He was quick to put me down in the shotgun seat of his car and went to his side to avoid the media from flocking again. I covered my face with my hands and continued crying.

I felt heavy. My hands were shaking badly. I even saw that my left shoe was missing. I cried out loud. What the heck was that? Why are they hungry for news? Why are they asking me personal questions?

I wiped my wet face and runny nose. I took a few long breaths, forcing myself to calm down. I saw my reflection from the tinted window on my side. I'm a terrible mess right now. I stopped sobbing and exhaled a huge sigh.


I jerked abruptly when Pierre touched my leg. My eyes widened when I looked at him. I took my time to calm down. What happened earlier was traumatizing. I haven't experienced that in my life. It was a horror to see people with curiosity and hatred from me. Did I hurt them to do that to me?

I hugged myself. I'm still shaking. I heard Pierre's curses. I shut my eyes off and bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from crying again. How did he know I was going back here today? Did Daddy tell him?

"You should've requested private assistance."

Tiningnan ko siya. His eyes looked cold. I wanted to smile seeing that look. I've missed it.

"I'm not on trend with the news...."

I stared at Pierre. He's clenching his jaw. I realized that his hair is a bit long now. He looked more attractive, and the stubbles on his chin and with his thick eyebrows made him manlier. I wet my lips and admired him some more.

My Guard for LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon