Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader: Golden Voice (1)

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You were just a simple girl that had a dream. A not-so-simple dream really.

And it's to be one of the most amazing singers in the world, if not in the world, Japan!

You always joined in singing contests back in your days, sometimes you go home having a trophy, sometimes nothing, but that didn't stop you from reaching your dream. You were in your elementary days when you started having this dream.

And then it happened.
The worst thing that happened in your life. Your dream was completely crushed into pieces. Your wonderful and inspiring voice was taken from you in just a blink by an unknown reason.

You were just singing and practicing for the best of your voice and when you tried to sing a high note, a really high one, that's when it happened.
Something probably happened to your voice box and you couldn't sing anymore. You still could speak but not as loud as before.

Middle school wasn't much of a pain for you. the only thing that saddened you was the dream that you wanted, you could probably, no, you could never ever reach again.

Years passed and you reaching your dream decreased year by year..You were maturing after all.

Now that you're in high school, you did completely give up on that, what you call now 'stupid and unreachable dream'.
You were called the 'Coolest Girl of Seirin' even though it was just your first 4 months on Seirin High. Great title. The reason behind this title was just because of one wrong move.

It was introduction day. Everyone was introducing themselves as your sensei was telling you to speak and tell your name. Being the shy girl, you are now, you didn't really know what to say. You wanted to keep it short but when you were thinking of what to say, you were already called and accidentally said these 'amazing' words:

" Yo. Im (last name) (first name). Nice to meet ya'll." and with that you sat down,acting cool. You stayed with a poker face as your classmates and sensei were staring at you. You stared back at them and lazily said, "What?".

There's where that 'awesome' title of yours started.

Technically you like it and don't. You like it
because people that would talk to you would get afraid or run away from you. You don't like it because people would always talk about you, you were one of the most famous people in the school. You just wanted to be left alone. 4 months of high school and this is what happens.

You had a friend but she's not what you call a best friend. Both of you would only talk for a while whenever you both needed something from each other and whenever you were not looked at by the students around which only happens when you go home late.
Your life was just a typical cool and relaxed high school life until...

"What?" you lazily exclaimed.

"I said we're going to have your project in partners." Your music teacher told you with a fake smile.

"Sir, I meant what was the project?" you said with an obviously annoyed voice.

Your teacher sighed as he said, "You're going to have a duet as your project this second term."

"What if we don't know how to sing?" you said as you voice raised up.

"Well that's your problem (last name)-san." he smiled, mocking you.

You violently sat down, took your ballpen and started sketching something.Your 'baka sensei' was talking about the details of your project and you were overthinking.

'I can't sing, how can I pass this stupid guy's subject?' you whined and pressed your hands against your face.

"-AND when people listen well to your song, that's plus five points in your final grade in this project." he emphasized 'AND' as he spanked you lightly on the head to get your attention. "Understood (last name)-san?" he put on his most annoying smile ever.

You fake smiled that reached up to your ears and nodded.

"Good then, let's get you guys your partners." he cheekily smiled. He was one of the most annoying teachers for you yet your classmates, mostly the girls, adore him because he was good-looking and your youngest teacher.

Your eyes widened as he told those words.

'Eh? We don't get to choose our own partner? Gosh I hate this teacher.' you cursed him with your soul.

A few minutes later of him calling out names, yours was called and an unknown person for you.

"(last name)baka-san and Kuroko-san will be partners." he grinned.

"Ehh? Why'd you add a baka? For your information, I'm the top ranker of this school." you boasted, still acting cool.

"I know, I wanted to, problem (first name)baka-chan?" he pouted.

Your girl classmates squealed as your boy classmates laughed.

"Don't act like were close aho." (idiot, same as baka, I think) and right on cue, your favorite bell rings. You stormed out of your classroom carrying your lunch.

"I'm so pissed off... " you mumbled. You came to your usual hang-out.

The roof top.

"Stupid teacher. He thinks he's always right? Bla bla" after you mocked your teacher, you took a big bite out of your (favorite sandwich). You sighed as you were eating your sandwich and you were exhausted from acting cool all day.

"Domo."(Hello) a seemingly ghostly voice appeared out of nowhere.
You bolted up and used your hands for defense. "Ahh!" you screamed, a girly scream aparrently but not too loud. "Kuroko-kun? You scared me." you giggled.

"Sumemasen" (Sorry) he said as he bowed down his head. He didn't show it but he was confused because he never did hear you call any guy with a -kun before.

"Get up. You don't need to do that.." you said in a cold tone. You realized that you weren't in your usual 'character'. "So. What do you need?" You averted your eyes to somewhere else not wanting to look at him.

You have a really soft spot for boys. There's no specific guy, yet but you really get shy around boys. Well, your sensei? You got used on talking, mocking him.

"I just wanted to talk to you about our project. Were you serious when you told him that you couldn't sing?" he said with a monotonous tone.

You sighed. "Yes. Something happened years ago and I don't even wanna-" you were interrupted by the sky blue haired boy.

"Have you ever tried singing again? It was years ago after all." You sweatdropped for interrupting you. His words made you think deep.

'He's right. Something might have happened after tho- Wait. Am I being encouragred by this guy? No way...' you spoke in your mind. You looked at him and he still has his usual poker face. He blinked few times before you spoke.

"There's no way that something happened. A miracle or something? Pfft. Pathetic." You crossed your arms and stayed in your serious face.

"Don't you believe in hope?" His words stung you once again. This guy never gives up, doesn't he?

"I do....not." you spoke averting your eyes to somewhere else.

"Then let me hear you sing. If you still can't sing, we would tell sensei that you can't and have to do something else for his subject, but if you can, you will sing with me." he said with his still monotonous toned voice but his eyes show hope.

You sighed once again. "Fine... Wait, If I can sing, we will sing, right?" you raised your eyebrow.

"Hai." (Yes) he said as he nodded.

"Why don't you sing first? So that I could get encouraged. Maybe?" You let the man decide. He nodded in agreement.


To be continued

SOOO... What ya guys think?
Sorry for wrong spellings and grammatical errors...
I'll make a second part cause I thought this was only going to be a one-shot.
Guess it's too long?

Meh. I really love that song just watch the video to hear the song. I haven't seen the english lyrics yet but meehhh...

I love Kuroko. XD


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