Midorima Shintarō x Reader: It's not always a Yes

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It was a perfect day for everyone. Sunny skies and birds chirping happily with the beautiful spring winds.

Whilst for you, it was a perfect day for a confession. Yes, it was a day before your spring break. You picked this day because if you get rejected, you won't have to see him for a few days. So you and your best friend thought of this day to confess to your crushes.

"I don't know about this (Best friend's name)." you were shaking inside and wanted to back out.

"Sheesh, you're no good. You'll never know if he likes you or not. You've gotta at least try?!" your best friend screamed. She crossed her arms on her chest. "I even told them to come here. Such a waste of my great efforts" she dramatically said.

You took a deep breath and let it out. "Fine. Let's d-do this." she pulled your arm as you got to the rooftop. Cliché.

She stopped and looked at you. "I'm going to pull (random guy's name or Takao) (lol) out of your way and we're going to the other half of the rooftop. I am so going to die right now." she said without looking at you. You nodded.

As you both saw the door to the rooftop, you stared at each other and spoke in unison. " Gambatte" (Good Luck)

She let go of your arm and opened the door. You saw the guy your supposed to confess to. "I-I think I forgot my l-lines." you laughed nervously. Your best friend used her powerful glare and you just said you were joking.

"There's no back out now. Let's do this (nickname)-chan." she cheerfully said but you knew that she was nervous as hell. You nodded and you both. pushed the rooftop door open and saw them both standing near the corner.

"Well? Are we just gonna stand here? No! So let's go." she tightened her grip as you were both going near them. (I'll just make it Takao.)

Takao saw the both of you as he was usually annoying his best friend, Midorima Shintarō.

"Oi. (Best Friend's name)-chan. Why'd you call us here?" Takao called.

Your best friend actually had an advantage because Takao was already her close friend while for you, you don't even know if Midiroma knows that you actually exist.

"Umm... Takao-kun. L-Let's t-t-talk ov-over there" she let go of you and she pulled Takao who was protesting and asking why.

As for you, it was just you and the megane carrot.

"(Name) right?" he spoke breaking the silence from both of you.

"H-Hai. I'm h-here to c-confess m-m-my feelings for you Midiroma-kun." you stuttered but the last part was said fast.

"What you're going to be confessing just tell it already. I'm going to be late for practice nanodayo." he said as he replied.

"I-I-I like you." you bowed so that he couldn't see your damn red face. "P-Please consider m-my f-fee-feelings."

"Sumemasen. I cannot. I barely even know you nanodayo." he spoke coldly. He wasn't being a tsundere. He was just clearly being honest. You both never even talked before this. Maybe short glances and stares were made but talks weren't.

"Let me ask you something. What do you like about me?" he raised his eyebrow while he pushed his glasses.

You liked him because he was "Handsome. Unique. Amazing in basketball for crying out loud. Who wouldn't like you?!" you snapped and as you realized that you covered your mouth and looked at ground once more.

"You didn't even mention anything about my personality nanodayo. You have no right to tell me you like me if you don't even know me."  he seriously said as you were about to cry. " Spring is a time for new things to happen. As for love, it's the time whereas it always blooms nanodayo."

"So... you don't like me back right?"  your eyes never leaving the sight of the concrete ground.

He sighed. He took something from his pocket. It was a fully bloomed cherry blossom and a sprouting one. He gave you the one that has not blossomed yet. "You see that? That's my answer nanodayo ." and with that he left you with an unanswered question.

It did hurt you that he didn't say the words that you had expected him to say. You knew you were rejected but you didn't cry instead you had a soft smile planted on your lips. You looked at the blossom and closed you fists. "He's right. I barely even know him. Because of what he said, I don't even know what I feel about him anymore." you let a big sigh out and looked down at the sight of the school grounds. You saw some of your schoolmates going home, some were still hanging around.

"Spring is a time of new things to happen huh?" you looked at the flower. "What is his answer?" you raised an eyebrow and put the flower in your skirt pocket.

"I guess it's not always happy endings and fairy tales like we expect it to be." you thought to yourself and sighed. You stared at the blue skies and talked. "but it's not my ending yet and it's not always a yes."

Wasn't that corny...

I just wanted to try this and yeah.. ddaaammnnnnn

It's sucked, I mean sucked...

Shin-chan you drama queen..

Midorima: I-I am not a drama queen, nanodayo.
Me: Yeah yeah...tsundere- chan.
Midiroma: I-I am n-not a tsundere and wh-where did that thought c-came from nanodayo?!
Me: I dunno. *blinks*
Midiroma: *sighs* *pushes glasses*



Midiroma: E-Eh?!
Me: Hahahha!!

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