Akashi Seijūrō: Be Mine.

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To be the only one at the top is an easy task. Such a simple task.

Everything seems clear that you are the only one who's going to excel in all areas in your school.

To be the best is top priority and victory is a must.

Academics, you had no problem at all. You wanted victory to be felt in other ways so you told your father about it.

He made you choose one sport that you'll always win at. You were only 12, a child about to step up in the middle school life.

You gave a devious chuckle and replied,

"Why only one when I know I can win them all?"

To be the only one at the top was an easy task. Such a simple task.

Until you entered High School.

"This is not possible. How could I get a tie with that man every single time?" You complained, keeping your monotonous tone, to your homeroom teacher as he annouced the student council president votes.

You were currently with a tie, again with a man, boy, named Bakas-Akashi Seijūrō.

"I really don't know (Last name)-san." He giggle nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"I cannot accept this kind of answer." You stared at him for a few seconds before sitting down. It was class time when you interrupted, so everyone's eyes were on you, you couldn't care less.

Your homeroom teacher kept announcing until someone knocked.

"May I excuse Akashi Seijūrō-san and (Full name)-san?" The man said.

"Yes you may. You heard him you two." He looked at both of you and you were the first to stand up.

You heaved a big sigh as you walked with him. "Where are you taking us?" The boy asked.

"Oh, I'm the former student council president. We're going to the SC room." (You know what SC means...)

"What are we going to do there?" You asked with your arms crossed, as usual.

"Since you're both in a tie as the student council president, you two will be the student council president. I just need you two to help each other." He smiled.

"Very well, I cannot argue with the decision." Akashi nodded.

You nodded. You didn't look at each other for some reasons. Awkward.

As you both reached the SC room, the other SC members were there.

"As the former student council president I want you all to work as a team for this year to have successful lives. Understood?" The former SC president stood tall and you all said 'Yes'.

Months passed, yet still the same.

Always tied up with the man you're rivals with. He also thought of you as the same.

"This is not possible." You mumbled as you saw your name at the proficiency test board results. At the top as always.

With Akashi's name beside it.

"Why? Do the gods want me to feel what 'suffering' is?" You sighed as you rubbed your temples.

All throughout this year, you have always been tied with Akashi. In everything. Even in academics or sports.

You didn't play basketball but you both were the captains of the teams you're in to, which you considered as a tie.

"Is this hard to pass a girl?" You heard a certain redhead speak. You faced him and you both stared-glared at each other.

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