Akashi Seijūrō x Reader: Told you, I'm always right

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"Are you opposing me? How dare you talk to the emperor like that?" He said somewhat calmly but they knew he was purely angry.

"G-Gomenasai!" screamed by the bunch of students who accidentally told 'no' to the student council's president. Which they thought was the worst thing that they ever told.

"No sorry can make me forgive you. I guess I have to give you double work for the rest of the year from now on." he raised an eyebrow and glared at them.

They had no choice because if they say no, he'll make the punishment worse.

Yes, there you have it. The Rakuzan's president. Akashi Seijūrō or what they call the 'Red Emperor'. He always says that he's right and he's absolute because he is. He has never lost to anyone and when I said NEVER, I meant never. Victory to him is like breathing. It's a normal thing for him.

Until he met her.

"Hmmm.. 'The Red Emperor' you say?" she said with interest.

"Yes your highness." her 'servants' kept their head down to show respect.

"I would like to meet this 'Emperor'. Could you please arrange an appointment with him?" she smiled as her chin was on her closed hand. "That would be dearly appreciated."

"Of course, your excellency." her 'servants' said in unison.

She turned around to see them with her legs crossed, sitting on her seat. "Oh, you don't need to bow and you are dismissed." she spoke with her soft yet averagely loud voice.

"Um... your highness?" one of her 'servants' said.

"Yes?" she replied.

"What time would you like to meet him?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"Whenever he's ready."

There, The '(favorite color) Goddess', (Last name) (First name). Despite the respect she gets, she's as humble as the most humble person. She never gets angry when someone answers back to her but when someone needs to get their lesson learned, she'll be 'happy' to be their teacher. She is kind but also a strict kind of person. She adapts her attitude in the situation. She's the student council president of Jemine Academy, despite her being a freshman.

She hears the school bells ring, singnaling her to the end of school and her meeting with the so-called 'Red Emperor'.

He agreed as her 'servants' told him that she wanted to meet him. He didn't hesitate as he had already heard about her.

"Let's go to Rakuzan." she told her 'servants'.

"Hai." they all told her in unison.

They rode her ca- limosine which she gladly went in last.

As they arrived the prestigious school of Kyoto, all of the remaining students' eyes in the school grounds went to look at her.

"Come on, we wouldn't want to waste precious time." she walked out of the limo as she told her 'servants'.

(You'll know why I keep putting ' ' to the word servants. Huehue)

They saw a man, about 5'8 of height with. heterochromatic eyes, in front of them.

"You must be "The (Favorite Color) Goddess"?" the man spoke as he raised his eyebrow.

"Hai. "The Red Emperor" I suppose?" she replied as she crossed her arms.

"What brings you here Milady?" he softly smirks.

"I have heard that you have mercilessly punished students while you're the one in charge. Is that true?" She asked.

"Why don't we talk this over in the student council room?" he offered.

She smiled and shook your head. "I would like to keep this conversation short, if you please." She declined.

"Fine then, Yes. I have always done that as a respected leader and strict individual." he answered.

She nodded and smirked. "I would like to challenge you to beat me in a basketball one-on-one." she spoke with a somewhat loud voice that the other students around heard. She heard gasps along with whispers around her.

"Is she seriously challenging THE Emperor?"

"She's going to regret this badly"

"I don't wanna see this. Let's go."

"She even challenge him to the game that he's seriously not gonna lose to."

Her smirk didn't leave her face yet it grew wider.

"As you can see, I'm called the 'Goddess' for nothing." she spoke as her smirk went to a psychotic one.

"And who am I to decline that offer? I gladly accept your challenge but I believe that there's a catch. What is it?" He smiled, but it's not the smile you're thinking of.

He has never heard of this sentence before. No one has dared their life to challenge him.
"You are intelligent as they say you are." she smiled innocently. "If I win, You have to obey my 3 commands and there's nothing you could do about it. Same goes for me when you win. Same time. Rakuzan gym if you please. Deal?" she reached her hand for a handshake.

"Interesting and sure, we could use our gym. I am the captain after all. Deal." he shaked her hand. He pulled her close to him and whispered to her ear, seductively. "Be ready to regret your words, my empress." she pushed herself away.

"What makes you think that I would regret what I have just said?" you narrow your eyebrows together.

"Because I am absolute and always right. And I will invite my old friends to watch this 'glorious event'. So if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to. " And with that he left her, smirking.

She also faced her back against him and mumbled,

"What if I told you that I'm more than that"


Too formal stuff!!! Da freak...
T^T I missed talking informally. (Wtf I just formally talked to you again)

I can't make one-shots cause I think that I make it too long.
Whutever. >.> HOPE you enjoyed this theng.... yes... theng.. XD

Well don't mind the pic up there cause I got bored and I freaking edited shiz.

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