Aomine Daiki: Dare

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 Aomine Daiki.  Can you believe that he just told you not to give up but he actually looks like he's about to give himself up.

He wasn't the Aomine you knew anymore. 

You weren't that close to him when you were in your middle school but you always observed him. You observed everyone so no difference at all. You always observed and looked at him everytime you saw each other. Even just by looking at him you were already attracted. Who could blame you? He was too perfect. His basketball skills, his physical appearance and oh, his attitude. His personality was nothing like you've ever imagine. He's this kind of guy that would always help you and he's really really joyful and jolly. That's only based from your observations. What more if you actually talked to him, communicate, at least. He never actually helped you before but you've seen stuff, like when he encouraged Kuroko to play basketball even though he looks like he was to give up. Stuff like that. Yeah, you saw that.

You had the guts to ask him his name and now, you're friends. Pretty long story but let's cut it short and go to the topic. ( :3) 

You're the reason why you're friends and the reason why you're still friends. You're the only one who's trying to keep your friendship together. But you weren't showing that you were trying too hard on keeping your friendship. You didn't want to be a burden to him. Never.

Both of you are currently at the rooftop of Tōō Academy. It was your first, since Momoi told you to call Aomine to practice.

"It's been a long time that we had a hung out like this." You curled yourself into a ball, talking to yourself. Aomine was sleeping so, yeah, you were talking to yourself. You didn't know, so you kept talking.

You glanced at him and listened to his cute snoring. Yeah, for you it was cute.

"Hmmm...." You sighed. "Hey Aomine." you poked his arm and moved a bit.

"What?" he somewhat complained. He opened his eyes and saw you. He coughed quietly and repeated the word he said, calmly.

"Go back to practice you jerk." you jokingly said, but your tone sounded serious.

"Neh." was all he replied and he turned his back on you.

"Oiii. Aomine!" You silently exclaimed. "Baka.." you mumbled. You thought of something to talk about and, this is what came to your mind. 

"Oi, Aomine. You remember when you told me what your dream was?" You smiled at that memory.

"Pfft. Of course I do. It's still my dream you know." he replied without looking back at you.

"Then how will you be a great police if you're gonna be lazy like that? I doubt that you'll even be one." you rolled your eyes and chuckled silently. As you finished chuckling you looked at the direction on where Aomine was. He was glaring at you.

"Oh yeah?" he lazily asked, with a hint of mischievous tone into it.

"Yeah." you straight-forwardly said.

You saw him closing the gap between your body into his which made you twitch a little.

"H-Hey? What are you doing?" You slightly blushed at his actions, but note: You're not a tsundere.

"What if I become a police? What will you do?" he ignored your question and placed his chin on the top of your head. He raised his eyebrow and smirked, which you didn't see of course.

"Ha. As if, you're gonna be one" you confidently and jokingly said.

"But what if I do?" he pushed you, holding your shoulders. He removed his smirk before he did.

"Hm, what do you think I'll do?" you slightly pouted your lips and raised both of your eyebrows at him.

"Why don't I make a dare?" He returned his ever so despicable yet lazy smile. His expression didn't really change that much, just with the mouth.

"What dare?" you turned your head and suspiciously looked at him.

"I'll tell you when I become a police. Got it?" he became energized all of a sudden.

You didn't want to reject his dare because that would make you look like a chicken. You didn't want to accept because he might make you do something that you would regret your whole life.

You had no choice but to accept it.

"Fine. Then... You're gonna be my friend until.. um.. that dare is done?" you gulped.

"Hey." he flicked his finger on your forehead which made your body jolt. "Didn't we promise to become friends forever?" he made his face serious again but you could tell that he was somewhat worried about your friendship.

"O-Oh yeah... I guess I forgot." you weakly smiled and he sighed.

"How can you forget that, baka?" he stood up and made you stand up too. He chuckled afterwards.  "Oldie."

"I am not an oldie!" you playfully punched him on his chest.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't forget about it again, okay?" he held the handle bars of the ladder and smiled at you.

"Sure." you smiled back and followed him down.

Well, just to tell you, that dream that he told you not to give up to is to be friends with everyone.

He told you not to give up on it and you well, both became friends. Your first real friend.  

That's why he and you promised.

Isn't that swe-




Hello. Lol XD


I tell you guys. Do not trust me when I tell you that I'm gonna update tomorrow and etc.

I only update when I want to lol

Sorry if it sucked. Lol I haven't written any fiction stories in a looong time. As in. liek whey. ;-; but it always sucked anyway huehuehuehue X'D

I'm too lazeh. Lol And well, I don't have that much time. cause yeah, school. Whoop dee doo. Another lame excuse brought to you by nobody. but lol, i'm lazy af


Anyway, Comment pleaseeeeeee *^* 

I'm gonna tell you this early cause I want to make one-shots of other KNB dudes. Just comment here and I'll do the first 6. :) tenchuuu  

Aomine: Welcome back, I guess.
Nobody: Yeah...
*awkawardness intensifies*
Aomine: Shut up, baka.
Nobody: Who're you talking to?
Aomine: That * guy.
*punches Aomine*
Nobody: Do not underestimate people, Aomine. *rolls eyes*

Aomine: HOW THE-
*Technical Difficulties*

(I miss roleplaying. ;-; Anyway, that * is me (miss admin-desu). :L Beware.

The only one who punch Aomine and the other guy is me. ok lol XD  )


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