Chapter 25 - Complications

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OMG, HI. I finally finished my exams and wooop, they were pretty good :D I'm sorry I hadn't updated for so long, I'd been studying harrddcoooore for these bc gr.12 -_- anyways, that's not important. 

Hope you enjoy this chapteeerrr. x Thanks for reading! 

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Harry’s POV

I drove back from in complete silence, the radio shut off and the windows rolled up from any non-existent noises from the empty streets. If my friends were turning their backs on me because I’ve decided to get back with Ashley, then this definitely wasn’t the right decisions. Maybe I should’ve thought this through, or maybe they should support my decisions. I mean, we’re friends right, they must have some trust instilled in me for making the right choices for myself.

I sighed once I’d parked the car outside my house, shutting it off and walking towards the comfort of my home. As soon as I got in, I kicked my shoes off, shrugged off my jacket and went straight to my room after letting my mum know I was back. I stripped my clothes off and got into some light joggers, and I just wanted sleep to take over me as I lay on my stomach in bed. I’d shut my eyes for literally a minute before my door flew open, hitting the wall behind it with force. I groaned with frustration, still keeping my eyes shut, couldn’t I just be kept alone?

“Harry, get up.” I’d heard that voice enough times to hear it even if I was deaf, and the hint of annoyance in it was clearly evident.

“Not now Lou, please I’m so sleepy”, I replied drowsily. I knew what he was here for, and I didn’t want to have this talk now. Not after what’s been playing repeatedly inside my head. I didn’t need him to add onto the already doubting thoughts that had made a comfortable spot in my brain to constantly nag at what I’d done. I knew what I was doing was completely stupid and wrong, but it didn’t matter. I just want to be wanted, and in this case, it’s from someone I don’t care about.

He yanked the covers from body, allowing the cool air of the room to cling desperately to my warm body. I opened my eyes, looking harshly at him before saying, “I hate you.”

“I’m not such a big fan of yours either sweet cheeks. Now please tell me you’ve got a good reason to explain yourself because I have such little tolerance for you right now that I want to rip out your intestines”, he stated, while the gory image set up inside my brain.

“Why am I explaining myself exactly?” I questioned dumbly.

“Harry, did you hear me when I said I have little tolerance for this bullshit. Yeah, I was serious. You’re telling me, you set yourself up for a date this Friday with Lana and instead of what seems like the obvious logic that you’d want to make her your girlfriend, you’re now dating you ex who you hate and there’s nothing to explain about this very normal situation?”

“She’s different, Louis”, I replied quietly, not clearly sure if I was talking about Lana or Ashley.

“And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”

“After you left Friday, Ashley came back with my phone… said I left it when we went to eat the a restaurant she worked at, and she told me she was sorry and that she still loved me and wanted me back.”

“You must be kidding me!” He shouted, the sudden outburst making me jump. “She said it and you believed it just like you always did?! Let me remind you again Harry how many times she’s lied to you before when you were together! Was that all forgotten when you decided that ‘she’s changed’! A person doesn’t just change! And what the hell do you think Lana thinks about this?! Have you even thought about how coming back from this fantastic day with you and finding out you’re dating someone else the next day  would make her feel?!”

His words were hitting a nerve as I realized I’d been clenching my hands, before replying calmly. “You don’t know anything, Lou, so just let it be.”

“Let it be, he says! I’m not doing this for myself Harry. I know how much pain she’s caused you and what that did to you, and me being your friend, I’m not going to watch you go down that same road again.”

This sudden rush of rage took over my body and before I could think about the fact that he was just saying this because he cared, I was yelling at him. I stood from my bed, standing eye-to-eye with him. “What the hell do you even know, Louis?! Nothing! You weren’t there when she said it to me. And you weren’t there when Lana was with me! I know what I’m doing and I don’t need you telling me who I’m supposed to believe or not. Just stop acting like you know better for me than I know for myself! I don’t care what you think, this is my decision whether you like it or not!”

“I-Is everything okay in here boys?” My mum asked, appearing by the door.

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out”, I mumbled.

Louis broke the staring contest that had been unintentionally being played, before smiling at her. “Yeah, it’s fine. I’ll just leave now.” He looked back at me, the smile faded while he shook his head in disappointment and I was sick of it. I stepped away, going back to the warmth of the bed.


Lana’s POV

It had been a couple of weeks since the last ‘get together.’ I could still clearly visualize Ashley mouthing those two words to me that clenched at my heart and blew up everything in my brain. ‘I win.’ How utterly disgusting; it was all just a game to her. She obviously didn’t care about Harry if all she wanted to do was claim him. That thought had been chewing on my brain ever since the event occurred. No matter how many possible ways I’d try to tell myself that I didn’t care or it didn’t matter to me, something wouldn’t let me forget it, something that told me he was going to get hurt again. Thinking back to the night and thinking about all those lies of how he mentioned that he hated her and was hurt by her; the vulnerability behind his voice kept reminding me that they all held some truth in them. My mind was telling me to not believe a single word that came out of his mouth that night, but my heart knew something bigger, but I didn’t even know if the internal battle I was having with myself was even worth it.

He was distant from all his friends at school, usually not joining them at the lunch table or sitting by himself with his headphones plugged in, staring intently at whatever was so interesting on his phone. I’d surprise myself even catching a few glances towards him every so often, observing his dishevelled hair, his weary green eyes, and his pursed lips; it was like he’d completely lost contact with living. He’d apparently got into an argument with Louis and they both refused to talk to one another, as Hayden had told me. But what could have they said that they had gotten so upset with each other, it continued to puzzle me.

“OW! That actually hurt you arse”, Niall yelled, breaking me from my trance. Chole and I had been sitting at our normal table, Niall and Liam causally joining in. Liam had flicked a nut at Niall while he was talking to Chole, and I burst out into laughter along with Liam. It had been a quite normal thing; the two would join us during the middle of lunch and leave Liam and I to talk whilst the other two went for a “walk” they called it. I’d become closer to Liam the past few days, not only because he was getting extremely close to my best friend back home, but because we just got along so well. We had a lot of similarities, especially with wanting to kill Ashley… that has got to be number one. He was a good listener, and he knew exactly how to make anyone laugh which made him a really good friend.

“They’re growing up so fast, I wouldn’t be surprised if they announced they were getting married tomorrow”, he jokingly stated, as we sat back and watched Niall and Chole disappear down the hall, making me laugh at metaphorical accuracy.

From the corner of my eye I saw Harry harshly push his chair back. I turned a bit so I could see what had caused him to suddenly become so furious, but he stared directly back at me, like it was my fault. His stare was so intense; it was as if he was practically shooting holes into me with his eyes. The uncomfortable glare made me gulp the lump that had been caught in my throat, a sudden flash of fear running through my every nerve, watching his tightened jaw and clenched fists before he hasty rushed out of the lunch room past us.

What the hell happened to him?

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Hope you enjoyed! Lots of loveee. x

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