Chapter 27 - Psychotic

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Haven't updated for ages, I'm extremely sorry. This isn't that long but I still wanted to make sure I got something updated. Exams are almost finished so I'll be updating it more in the summer :) You might begin to hate me after this chapter. Haha, enjooooy! :P

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*There's some swear words in here, just a warning before-hand*

Lana's POV:

I rushed as quickly as I could out the door, my heart hammering inside my chest at an unbelievable rate as I felt Harry's gaze on my back. How could he just kiss me like that? How could he think I was dating Liam?! Has he gone absolutely mental because last time I checked, I hadn't given him any reason to come up with that conclusion. My vision blurred as I marched towards the door in the empty hallway, the sensation of his lips continuously lingering on mine.

Once I stepped out, the breath I was holding finally let out, and I sighed of relief. I glanced up, noticing a figure standing a few feet away only to be met with disappointment when I realized who it was. Ashley. Was it really necessary to pick him up after school? I'm quite sure he's got legs and a big enough car to go home himself. I shook my head, trying my best to avoid her deathly glares as her eyes shifted from me to something behind me, and she smiled. Footsteps behind me alerted me of Harry's presence as I continued walking. Her car was parked close to where I was supposed to leave from and I dreaded strolling the short distance.

"Hey baby", her irritating voice began after I passed by, hinting that Harry had reached her. "What took you so long?"

"Nothing", he stated sternly, and I rolled my eyes. Arse. "Lana?" I stopped in my tracks hearing my name leave his mouth, my jaw slightly ajar. I turned my head to see what he wanted, but the sight in front of me tugged at my heart. Ashley had her clingy arms wrapped around his torso and one of his hands was on her back, his pokerfaced reaction showing his resistance to the action. I gulped, although the smirk on her face infuriated me and made me want to rip her hair out of her scalp.

"Do you need a ride?" My head snapped back to Harry, as did Ashley's.

"What?" I replied, an automatic response.

"Well, you're walking home and we've got two cars with enough space, so..." he stated, looking down at the girl in his arms who was trying to communicate with her eyes for him to talk back his offer. How awkward. I quietly laughed at the discreet conversation being played out in front of my eyes, Ashley's anger evident on her face.

"You know what", I began, bringing their attention towards me, "I am a bit worn out right now, so yes, I'll take that ride."

"You will?" Harry questioned, clearly not expecting that response, and I nodded. He tapped the pockets of his skinny jeans, searching for his keys when his mouth formed an 'O' shape. "Think I've left my keys in my locker, I'll just- um- I'll just be back." His arms released her stubborn position, that shocked expression on her face a priceless sight.

As soon as he stepped back inside the school doors, her eyes were on me; the irritation and angry unambiguous. She took a step closer, an evil smile stretched upon her malicious face, and to be honest, I was frightened. The next thing I knew I was pushed against the side of her car, the door handle of the passenger side clawing into the skin of my back. The palm on her hand was pressed forcefully onto my mouth, prohibiting me from speaking or making any other audible noise.

"You think this is a joke, huh?" She began, her tone harsh and revolting. "I told you to stay away from him, you little bitch. I'm not oblivious; I saw you kiss him in there." As she said the last part of her sentence, her other hand pushed my stomach violently back into the car, her nails piercing into my abdomen and my eyes automatically shut tight. Is she fucking psychotic?!

"He's mine. You don't just get to come here and prance around him like a little slut and expect him to be yours. He loves me, not you so do us all a favour and just kill yourself." The force of her hand left my stomach, and she reached behind her and pulled out her car keys, bringing the sharp edge to my neck. She grazed it down from behind my ear, the stinging agony numbing my nerves in extreme discomfort. My mind was going total chaos, only one sentence flying throughout it, 'Harry, where are you?' "You shouldn't have started this; I'm going to make your life a living hell, bad enough that you'd wish you never came here to the point where you'd just wish death to yourself."

She stepped back, her hand releasing my mouth and allowing me of breathe, and the pinching in my back vanished but the ache still present; it was no doubt I'd have marks. I gulped, petrified to look up at her. I couldn't find any words to speak, nothing to say to her. How could I possibly tell her that her beloved boyfriend kissed me when the only thing that she thought was that he loved her? Everyone in the world could tell how he truly felt by the expression on his face, why was she so oblivious to it?

I heard the sound of the doors closing next, my eyes still hesitant to leave the concrete underneath me. In a couple of seconds, Harry was next to us. "Lana?" He said, his voice full of concern as I looked up at him. "You alright? You look so pale, why are you shaking?" His hand reached out to touch my arm, but I involuntarily flinched.

"I- I'm fine", I replied quietly, gazing at the troubled expression that coated his face. He watched me for a couple seconds before he looked at Ashley. "I'll meet you in a bit yeah? I'm just going to drop her home and well, um... does that sound alright?"

She smirked, leaning forward and placing a kiss on his lips. "Sure, babe... bye Lana." I nodded in response, the evil grin on her face irritating.

Harry walked towards his parked vehicle and I followed close behind. Once we were both in the car, our surroundings were eerily quiet. I stared straight out the windshield, my mind refused to let go of what just happened; she'd taken this to the point where she felt like she needed to physically harm me. I reached behind me ear feeling the large rough line that had taken its place there, and the stinging sensation when it came in contact with my fingers. I accidently let out a low hiss, watching Harry turn to look towards me while he drove.

"Lana, are you sure you're alright?" He asked and I didn't respond. "Look I'm sorry alright, just talk to me... I wasn't meaning to kiss you like that, I just-"

"Please Harry, I don't want to talk about any of this. Just leave it alone okay? It doesn't matter, just forget everything", and he shut up.


I stared at my reflection in the body length mirror, intently at the dabs of rushed blood visible in crescent shaped marks left on my stomach. I'd been standing in the same spot and same position since I'd gotten home and gently pried my shirt off my body. The pain in my back and stomach was getting worse, my skin unbelievably red. I traced the marks for what seemed like the millionth time, watching my face contort in displeasure.

A knock at the door suddenly brought me back from the view in front of me, my body jerking from the unexpected sound before a voice from the other side spoke, mum. "Lana, what are you doing?"

I hesitated, my feet carrying me to my closet where I picked up a random shirt and put it over my head, "I-I'm just doing some school work, mum."

"Okay dear, finish up what you've got, dinner's almost ready." The thud of her footsteps vanished down the stairs and I released a shaky breath. On my bedside table, my phone began vibrating and I walked quickly to the side to pick it up. I observed the screen for a couple seconds, the caller ID of an unknown caller with a number that I didn't recognize.

"Hello?" I answered, holding the device to my ear.

The voice that spoke back to was unexpected, a voice that sent chills down my spine just at the thought of speaking to this person again and now they had my number, "Hello, Lana."

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clifff hangggggger.

any guesses of who it is? :))

please don't be a ghost reader! it would be greatly appreciated if you voted and commented, I'd love to know whose reading it! Thank you!

hope you enjoyyyed! Vote - Comment - Fan - Share. Thank you for reading. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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