Chapter 1 - Moving Away

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This is my very first fanfiction, but any sort of feedback would mean a whole lot to me to help me improve my writing. Hope you enjoy this. xx

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Lana's POV:

I couldn't believe this. I couldn't even think about ever moving away from Australia. My parents had sat my sister and I down today to share the 'good news', but I really couldn't find any good in this. My dad had apparently recieved a job offer from England, which was "a once in a lifetime opportunity" they said, and now my whole family, not just that, but my whole life was shifting to this unknown place that I hadn't even wanted to be in.

Thoughts were constantly raging my brain, over and over, like a train had suddenly experienced brake failure. I sat on my bed, in the room I had spent my entire life in, staring blankly at nothing in particular. I stood up instantly, grabbing the remote to my stereo and turning the volume to the highest it could be. I didn't care about anyone right now and I couldn't care less if it was causing a disturbance to the rest of the people present in the house. I felt as if the importance of my opinions were irrelevent in this family. How do you just make a decision for someone that they're completely and utterly not okay with? I eyes moistened from the fresh tears that were residing in my eyes, causing my vision to became blurry. Not once in my entire life that moving even became a topic to start in this family, not once. I rolled over to my stomach, burying my head deep into the soft pillows, crying myself to sleep. 


I woke up squinting from the bright light that surrounded my room the next morning. I groaned, the thoughts and conversations of last night hitting me like a ton of bricks. I sluggishly peeled the covers off myself, heading to the bathroom and getting ready for the oh so wonderful day ahead of me. I quickly took a shower, brushed my hair and teeth, and made my way downstairs to have breakfast. My older sister, Hayden, was sitting with my mother at the table having a deep conversation about who knows what but then again, nobody cares.

"Morning love", my mum said as I walked in. I ignored her. "You can't stay mad forever, Lana. You know this is a good opportunity for your father and a great chance for us to get out of this dump!" I was getting furious, her words stinging.

"This 'dump' mom, is where I'm from! Either way, thanks for asking me if I wanted to go or not", I snapped. Great. Just great. I realized that my hands were clenched because of the sudden rage that decided to fill my body, although I swear I wasn't PMSing. I groaned, leaving the kitchen and heading out the door, too early in the day to deal with crap anyway. 

"Lana, wait! I'll give you a ride", Hayden shouted from behind me. She followed me out with a big smile on her face. HOW COULD SHE BE SO HAPPY?! Hayden was the perfect child. Good at school, athletics, and well.. everything. She'd dyed her hair black, with caramel highlights and I hadn't seen anybody work that hair color as much as she could. Her eyes were the perfect shade of brown, outlined lightly by a deep hazel. She could make friends with people in a matter of seconds because her personality just attracted people towards her, me on the other hand tended to push people away. I envy her.

"You alright?" she questioned, once we were in her car.

"No", I replied quickly, rolling my eyes.

"Why not?"

"Hayden, I really don't want to go!" I shouted. She jumped a little in her seat, not expecting my voice to be as loud as it had suddenly been. 

"Lana, it's going to be alright. You have me! Not like I want to go either, but we have to do this for dad. If you're afraid of making new friends, you shouldn't be, you've always been so good with people!" I mentally face-palmed myself. Me and people in the same sentence shouldn't even be happening. Although, her effort to comfort me couldn't go unnoticed. I didn't want to act like an annoying little prick so I let it go and remained silent. 

"But it's like a whole new continent. I don't even know how people there are", I said after a while, breaking the silence that now surrounded us.

"Don't worry, you'll live", she chuckled.

Once I'd been dropped off, I said goodbye to her and quickly made my way through a bunch of irrelevent people to get to the doors. My bestfriend, Nikki, short for Nicole, was standing waiting for me with her boyfriend, Ben, like always. Her chocolate curly hair and brown eyes were no match for anyone in the school; she was legitimately the stunning. As she approached the two of them, the grin fell of her face, noticing my sulken state. There were a brief exchange of words, my mind not fully set on the fact that it was happening, and it was happening fast. The warmth of the hug that followed did no good to comfort the state I was in, although I appreciated it for the limited amount of love I was receiving, and a mutual expression and emotion on both of faces. 

The day dragged on, my brain refusing to be present on the lesson being taught in class, not like I needed it now anyways. My eyes would fall upon the clocks set on the walls in each of the classrooms, wanting this to be over as quickly as possible, although the idea of going home was just as unpleasant. 


I stood outside my front door, containing my frustration as my eyes began to well up with unwanted tears. I couldn't change what was coming so there was absoultley no point in trying to act out against it; it would only cause my parents and I more distress. I had to willingly accept the fact that it was going to be for the good of everyone, even though my mind dreaded it, screaming at me to be rebellious in order to stop it.  I forced a smile, stepping in through the wooden door. Mum and Dad were sat in the living room, a massive pile of papers scattered on the table in front while their eyes were intensely consumed on reading whatever that was written across them.

Mum glanced up first, sliding her glasses off of her eyes and giving me a stern look. Her eyes held confusion as she stared at my grinning face, probably wondering what brought the sudden change in attitude. Although I could see her doubting it, mother instincts, however she let it go and smiled back.

"Sorry for this morning, really. I just got a bit upset that's all", I said, bringing Dad's attention up at me now as well. 

"Oh darling, we know it's tough. It'll be alright soon, yeah? I've put out your suitcases in your room, might get started on putting things away", Mum replied. I nodded quickly, taking a quick glance at my father's cheery face and I couldn't possibly think of letting him down, not over something this uncomplicated. 

I sighed quietly as I walked upstairs to my room. Hayden stood at the end eavesdropping and I chuckled. "You're a sweetheart, Lana", she said, clutching her heart and wiping a fake tear from her eyes. 

"Oh god. You're such a drama queen, help me pack will you?"

She laughed and followed in after me. We folded random clothes into piles, placing them in the suitcases afterwards. My heart was hurting; I'd grown up in the neighborhood, played with the swingset until I couldn't fit in it anymore in the yard, and all these memories would just become something in the distant past. In the end, everything happens for a reason, and as much as I'd like to know what that reason is just about now, I'd have to wait and see what this holds.

I just hope this move doesn't prove to be a nightmare.

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 Hope you enjoyed chapter one.

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