Chapter 7 - It Can't Be The Same Guy, Right?

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Jade's POV:

Zayn and I were lost in conversation, talking about our weekend even though he called me up a couple times. I noticed Katherine staring at Harry, but didn't really have their conversation going like usual. It's like a habit of Harry's to hurt every girl he ever comes across... I can't stand him. She forgives him if he does something to hurt her, even though I tell her he's not worth her time. They've been friends from before I even knew Katherine so she thinks she knows him better than me. She's not even close.

"Katherine", I said smiling. She instantly turned her head towards me and smiled. "Could you come with me for a second?"

"Oh, yeah sure", she replied.

Before we could get up, Zayn gave me a confused look and I whispered, "I'll be back in 2. Just need something."

"Alright", he said, and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

Katherine and I started walking down the hallway that was closest to our table.

"Is everything alright with you and Harry, Katherine?" I asked.

"Uhmm, yeah. Everything's fine" she said.. but it wasn't  good enough to make me believe what she was saying.

"Common Katherine, please tell me what's on your mind" I said.

"Jade, please.. I don't know okay. Harry's been acting weird all day today and I don't know what it is and he won't even tell me. He keeps looking at the new girl and they barely talk"

"Oh my, Katherine. Are you sure about all this? Do you want me to talk to him, or I could ask Zayn to do it?"

"No, please don't say anything yet. I want to try to get him to tell me, and not like it's possible for it to happen again right, he wouldn't."

"I don't know but don't be upset. Call me up, we can talk more about this if you want to tell me anything else. You know I'm always here bebz", I said giving her a hug.

We headed back to the table and we realized that we had to head to our afternoon classes. Zayn and I had the next class together so we left together. We entered the class and saw that Lana was with us as well, and... she was in our seat. We stood there just looking at each other like there were no other tables in the classroom, but what can I say, we've basically sat there since the beginning of the year. Quite awkward I must say.

Either way, we went and sat at the table in front of her and picked up a conversation.

"Hey again", I said.

"Another class with yaa eh?" Zayn said smiling.

"Hi, and yeh, woo" she responded.

"Oh ouch, not much excitement there" he said sarcastically while looking at me.

Lana's POV:

Dammit. Another class. BOTH OF THEM. Oh my god. Whyyyy? Why couldn't I go sit on the other side of the room? Just has to be me. No one else, just me. They turned around after a while and were lost in their world. I have to say, it was like they were meant to be. I looked at the handout that was given to us by the teacher, math problems. I hate math.

"I don't get this" I heard Zayn complain. I looked up and saw him all puzzled while Jade laughed at him.

"What do you ever get in this class anyway Zayn?" she teased.

"That's not right, I get stuff" ... why is he so ADORABLE?

"Oh righhht", she winked. "Alright then, let me help you. What don't you understand?"

"This one"

"That's the first question" she said and he laughed. "I know, I don't get it", he said.

"Oh dear lord", she responded. "Alright, uhm.. this is what I did and I got this.. I think it's right but..." she continued explaining to him what she'd done but the whole time, his eyes were fixed on her; not once did he look down at the paper. To be honest, I was burning myself with jealousy, but it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I looked away and continued doing my own work. I just couldn't wait for school to be over so I could get home and talk to Nikki.


After school, my dad picked me up because I really had no other way to get home. Once I got home, my mom told me she went around a bit and looked for grocery stores and she found one; we finally got some food in the house. I grabbed a quick snack and headed to my mom. I changed and flipped open my laptop to check if Nikki was waiting online for me.. she was.

"OMG, LANA! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Today was really the most boring day of my entire life" she said right when i started the cam.

"Hey Nikks, I miss you too" I said. "School here isn't exactly like it was there with you"

"Aweh, I know what you mean. But, anyway, how is it? Did you make new friends? Boys perhaps?" she said, with a massive grin on her face.

"Oh, of course. Well, I barely talked to a lot of people, but there's this girl named Chloe, super nice. Reminds me of us" I said and we both sighed.

We continued talking for over an hour and I spilled out my heart to her, about everything. It was getting extremely late in Australia, 1am, and so she had to get to bed. I told her I'd talk to her tomorrow and we said bye.

Later, Hayden had come back from her first day of uni as well, and she seemed quite happy. She changed and mum called us down for dinner and we all sat and talked about our day. It went pretty good for everyone. After finishing, Hayden and I went upstairs and I joined her in her room to talk to her.

"You like it here?" she asked.

"hmm, it's not so bad I guess", I responded.

"Yeah, same for me"

"I've been noticing you smiling ever since you came. What's up?"

She looked up at me from her work and smiled a bit more. "Please Hayden. Just tell me, it's kinda creepy..." I joked.

She laughed and said, "Well, nothing interesting. Met a ton of people today, very sweet people"

"Okay, who is he?"

"Why assume it's a he?!" she said.

"By the look on your face it's definitely not a she"

"Uhmm, his name's Louis"

Wait wait... what? Louis... I remember this name. Louis is the name of one of 'the five best friends'.. but it can't be the same person... right?


Ohhhh, is he the samee Louis? ;D Maybeee.

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