Chapter 8 - Bummer

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Lana's POV:

No, no.. it can't be the Louis Chole was talking about..  What are the chances of that ever happening?

"So, what did he do to make you all smiley smiley?" I asked.

"Really Lana, I barely know the guy. He's just sweet. Today was the first day and I was in one of the classes he was in so he showed me around and took me for a coffee break, nothing special" she said, blushing.

"Okay then Hayden.  'Nothing special' eh? Seems like you've got yourself a crush on a brit", I said laughing.

"Oh puhh-leasee" she said, while we both laughed together. "So tell me, how was school for you? Start from the beginning to the end!"

"Well, dad dropped me off and I was about to text you and I bumped into this guy named Harry", I started.

"Ohhh, Harry. Is he cute?" she asked eagerly.

"He is actually.. but I don't know what to think about him. When I bumped into him, he was standing with a bunch of girls and I found out that he cheated on his girlfriend before.."

"So he's like one of those guys all these girls are after?"

"Probably. But he seems sweet apparently he's with his best friend now that used to have a crush on him because he wanted her to be happy" I said.

"Awee, he seems nice!" She replied.

"Haha, sure. I don't know. Anywho, there's this other boy named Zayn. He's absolutely the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid my eyes upon... and he has a girlfriend. Bummer."

"Oh jeez, what's it like a whole gang of hot guys at your school or what? Do you like this Zayn" She said laughing.

"Shut up. No, I don't. I met a couple of other people too, and everybody's really nice but I still miss Nikks like a whole lot." I said, frowning.

"Don't worry Lana, you got through today and now you'll get used to people here", she said, giving me a hug as I walked out of her room.

Hayden's POV:


I walked into a room full of students that were all strangers to me. I was a little nervous knowing that I'd have no one to talk to about well, anything. I sat down at the back of the room, expecting no one to acknowledge my existence when I saw this really cute guy walking towards me. He came and sat down beside me and looked at me with a gorgeous smile.

"Hey, I'm Louis! You must be new", he said.

"Hi, I'm Hayden and you've got it right", I replied.

"Ahhh, Australian. Cute accent", he said with a wink.

"Thank you. Yours it quite charming as well", I said and felt the blood rush to my cheeks.

"It's nice to meet you Hayden. Do you want me to show you around after class?" He asked

"Oh, don't worry. I don't want to interfere in your sched-"

"Hahah, really. Don't worry, if I was busy I wouldn't have asked"

"Well then, thank you. It'd be great!"

We sat there during the class and taking a couple of notes while the professor talked. Louis looked at me every couple of minutes with a grin on his face. He was so sweet.

After class had ended, we packed out stuff and walked out the door. He showed me the important places I'd need to in the university, like the library and the canteen.

"The food here sucks", he said making a weird face that showed me how much he meant it.

"Hahah, is it actually that bad?"

"Yes. Yes it is. So, I suggest you go off campus somewhere to eat."

"Note taken", I replied.

He laughed and asked, "Want to go for coffee?"

"Coffee? Uhmm, suree.." I said, shocked.

"Don't tell me you don't like coffee!?!" He said.

"No, no. Coffee's good", I replied, smiling.

There was a Starbucks on campus so we walked there and he told me about himself. I didn't know what I was doing, but I knew that it felt like I could talk to him endlessly about anything. He made me feel so comfortable around him and I'd only just met him a few hours ago. We got to the little shop and he insisted to pay. We sat there for a few more minutes and I noticed that I probably have to make it to my next class. He exchanged numbers and he walked me to my next class.

Sadly, he wasn't in any of the other classes I was in, but at least I had him in one. I couldn't stop thinking about how cute and sweet he was.


My phone vibrated knocking the memory away. I picked it up from the table next to my bed and saw that Louis had texted me for the first time.

'Hey Hayden! Maybe tomorrow we could go for lunch? ;) x' it said, and I smiled.

'Louis! Haha, sure thing. Lunch tomorrow :)' I replied when my mum finally called for everyone to eat dinner.


hopee you enjoyeed readinng! :) pleasee sharee & leave feedback, it would mean a lot to me. & thankks foor readinnng :D

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