Chapter 11 - What Am I Doing?!

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Helloooo! I hope you're enjoying the story soo farr! :)

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Lana’s POV:

“I talked to Katherine. She said she would go if Jade was coming. So I thought maybe Zayn and her could come along as well?” Harry asked. Wait what. No way. My eyes widened exactly when he mentioned his name and he noticed.

“I hope it isn’t a problem”, he added. This is great. Just great. Note sarcasm.

“Haha, ermm.. no. It’s not.” I said.

“Alright then. Where do we meet?”

“Erm, in front of the school after school, yeah?”

“Sounds great!” As he was leaving, I turned around and realized I’d totally blocked Chole out of our conversation. Shit. Hmm, maybe I should do something about her little crush on the Irishman.

“Harry!” he turned around immediately. “Since everyone’s basically going, why don’t you bring Liam and Niall along as well? The more the merrier!”

“Sure, I’ll let them all know”, he replied and walked away.

I turned around to face Chole noticing her jaw dropped. “And you’re coming with me, right?” I asked with a wink.

“Wait, LANA. NOO, I can’t. I’m go speechless again and he’ll think I’m mental or something.. noo way, I’m not going”, I said, almost walking away.

“Oh shut up Chole, we both know how badly you want to go!” I giggled.

“I really don’t like you.. but I love you at the same time really! Okay, well.. I’ll go”


The entire afternoon I was just hoping everything would be alright when he all hung out together. When the final bell rang, I took in a deep breath and headed to my locker. I grabbed my shoulder bag and put it over my head and headed towards the doors. As I walked through the doors, I noticed the boys and girls standing in a little circle deep in conversation. While walking I texted Chole that we were waiting for her at the front.

“I don’t understand why she asked you”, I heard Jade say as I got closer.

“Jade, really?” Harry replied.

“Guys, shut up alright. Let’s just go. It’s good for-“

“Uhmm.. hey guys”, I interrupted Katherine. They all turned around to see me standing behind them not noticing that I’d kind of eavesdropped on their conversation. My bad.

“Hey!” they replied all together.

“I hope you guys aren’t busy or anything to take time out to show me around.. I wouldn’t mind going alone with my sister”, I said, smiling but feeling bad inside.

“Don’t worry, Lana! We’re not busy. Actually I want to thank you for inviting us”, Katherine replied, eyeing Jade who just rolled her eyes. Aww, she’s so sweet!

 “Woohoo, let’s goooo!” Niall yelled and I jumped. “Sorrry..” he said noticing my expression.

“Haha, it’s alright. Uhmm, Chole’s just coming and then I guess we’ll go to my house and get my sister?”

“Sounds great!” Liam replied.

We stood there talking to each other for a couple of minutes and I phone beeped.

From: Chole


I laughed at the text imagining how she must be freaking out somewhere we couldn’t see her.

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