Chapter 9 - We Should All Go

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Lana’s POV:

After I’d finished dinner, I went to sleep earlier since I still wasn’t 100% used to the time zone. I was thinking about everyone I met at school today and how everyone was kind to me. When I got to school and bumped into Harry, I thought he was the cutest guy ever with that amazing smile and those beautiful curls, but after seeing him with a bunch of girls and hearing that he’d cheated on his girlfriend, I couldn’t look at him the same way. But then Zayn, the boy who’s extremely good-looking and more than ever sweet to everyone, especially his girlfriend, was who I felt something for? I had to stop myself for adoring him. He’d finally got the girl of his dreams after 3 years of trying and I couldn’t just become a block in their relationship.

Either way, I wasn’t even sure about what I felt for this kid. I didn’t even know him well enough to think about having feelings for him.

My thoughts finally led me to sleep.


I was woken up the next morning with a bright room filled with sunshine. Isn’t it supposed to be always gloomy in England? To be honest, I loved rain no matter what mood I was in. It just made me feel good. But I never complained about that sun. I quickly took a shower and got out a nice baggy top with some shorts. I put my hair into a pony and grabbed my bag to eat breakfast.

I said good morning to everyone and my dad drove me to school.

“Bye dad”, I said as I walked out of the car.

“Oh, Lana. Mum and I have to go out today for something business related and we’ll be home late. I’ve told your sister already so if you both want to go ‘explore’ around you can. Here’s some money if you want to get something for yourself”, he said handing me 50pounds.

“Alright. Thanks dad, see you later”, I said smiling.

“Have fun kiddo”, he said and left.

I started walking towards school and saw Zayn, Jade, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Katherine walking towards the doors a couple feet away from me.  Harry looked up from Katherine and caught me looking in their direction.  They started walking towards me and I stopped in my path to allow them to catch up.

“Morning Lana”, Harry said.

“Hey Lana, nice outfit! Cute!”, Katherine followed.

Everyone else stood there smiling at me.

“Hi guys, and thank you Katherine”, I replied.

“Well, I don’t think we’ve actually formally met, but Lana right? My names Liam”, Liam said bringing his hand in front of him for me to shake it.

“Yes, Lana. Nice to meet you Liam”, I said, shaking his hand and smiling.

“And I’m Niall”, he said, also bringing out his hand. He was eating an apple. Of course. Eating. I smiled as I remembered Chole telling me about his love for food.

“Hi Niall, nice to meet you as well”

I looked at Zayn and he was smiling. UGHHH, his smile. No, stop it Lana. Stop it. I smiled back and looked beside him to see arms tightly secured around her. I smiled at her and they both took off to go inside the school. Harry and Katherine were next, and Niall, Liam, and I walked in together. I saw Chole standing with her group of friends as her eyes widened to see I was walking with Niall. I smiled at how she was blushing.

“You like it here so far?” Liam asked suddenly.

“Uhh, yeah. I guess. It’s not bad”, I said.

“Don’t worry. You’ll start to like it here. I remember when I came, hated it for a couple of days and then I met these guys”, Niall said giving Liam a hug. Aww.

We were walking by Chole and I stopped to talk to her noticing that Niall and Liam had stopped to. I turned around so we were all facing each other so I could introduce Chole to Niall.

“Oh, guys.. this is Chole. She’s one of the first people I met yesterday along with you guys. And Chole, I think you know who these guys are right?” I said, giving her a wink.

“Hi, Chole! I’m Niall, and this is Liam”, Niall said.

I could see Chole’s cheeks turn red as Niall talked to her. I smirked knowing she’s probably dying inside. He held out his hand so she could shake it but she was completely still. I leaned over and whispered, ‘breathe Chole, shake his hand’. She smiled and did what I told her.

“Uhmm… yeah, sorry. Uhh, I’m…” she struggled with her words.

“Cute”, he said laughing and walked away with Liam.

She turned around to look at me. “You did not just introduce me to Niall Horan”

“I think I just did”, I said smiling.

“OMG, LANA. I LOVE YOU. YOU’RE LIKE AN ANGEL SENT FROM ABOVE!” she squealed while hugging me tightly.

“Haha, relax Chole. Let me go before you kill me”

She let me go. “I can’t believe that just happened. Niall Horan just called me cute. Niall fricken Horan. His eyes and….” She continued talking while we walked to our class with Harry and Zayn. We got in and sat at the spot we were sitting at yesterday. Before sitting down, they both looked up.

“Hey again”, Zayn said smiling. Oh. Crap. My heart. NO. Stop.

“Hey”, I said, quickly turning my eyes away from him and giving Harry a smile.

Harry’s POV:

She walked into the classroom exactly like she did yesterday and I felt my heart beat rise again. I couldn’t stop these feelings that were flowing over me whenever I looked at her. I’ve never felt this before and it wasn’t good. I was in a relationship for crying out loud and my heart races for someone I barely know. After saying hey to Zayn, she quickly turned away to smile at me.

After having settled down in their seats, the teacher began talking and I completely zoned out. She turned around a couple minutes later, her voice bringing me back to my senses.

“Uhm, my dad’s letting me and my older sister go and check out places around here and I was just wondering if you guys could suggest something?” she asked, sweetly.

“Errr, well you could go down to Oxford Street. They’ve got lots of shopping centers” Zayn suggested.

“You could go to the, uhh.. Green Park. It’s got the Buckingham Palace”, I said.

“Ohh, that seems cool! I don’t if I’m going to find it though”, she replied.

“I could show you if you’d like”, I offered.

“Uhm, I don’t really want you to take time out for me”

“Oh,  Don’t worry; I’ve got nothing to do anyways”

“But I thought you made plans with Katherine, Harry..” Zayn interrupted. Oh, right.

“Oh crap. I totally forgot! Well, if you don’t mind Lana, I could ask her to come along and we could all hang out together?”

“Sure! That’d be great! But she doesn’t want to join, then please stay with her. I don’t want to ruin your plans with her; I’d feel more than horrible!”

“I’m sure she’ll say yes”, I replied, only hoping that she will.


Helloo :) Hopee you liked this chapteer! I'll probably uploadd another part to this chapteer sometime latee. Please comment, or sharee.. it would mean a whole lot to me if you did :) Thankss foor reading!

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