Chapter 19 - Not Alone

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Lana’s POV:

 “Go on a date with me”, he mumbled quietly, staring right at me.

Unconsciously, my eyes widen at his sudden request and I uttered, “What?!” and nothing else came out. We stared at each other for a few seconds, although it seemed like forever. His gaze had softened and I could feel my stomach doing all sorts of unbelievable things, something I’ve never experienced before. I did not see this coming at all, or at least this soon. Was he even being serious or was it just some kind of joke. Why was I even thinking this hard about it? Shouldn’t it be easy to just say no, you know, because I don’t like him? Breaking out of my daze, I looked away from his gentle eyes and found it hard to breathe before I quickly responded. “No!”  I couldn’t dare look up at him; it was as if he was making me melt with his stare.

“Uh…” he hesitated, “I mean… you wanted to go around sightseeing and stuff, so I thought we could… uhm, hang out?”

At his words, my head sprung up and I eyed him suspiciously. Why the sudden change for words? Is he afraid of rejection? The thought made me silently chuckle to myself before I shrugged, “Hmm... hang out huh?” He nodded. “Is anyone else going?” I didn’t want to be alone with him, god, we could barely even keep a 'normal' conversation going for more than a minute, and it was always awkward.

“No, but… you could bring anyone and I’ll ask the guys I guess”, he responded and I couldn’t help but notice his face sulking a little.

“You do realize this is kind of like black-mailing me?” I stepped to the other side yet again to walk away but he imitated me like before, blocking my way. I groaned in response and gave up.

“If that’s what you want to call it, then yes, I am black-mailing you” he chuckled. “But, I thought it would be quite fun since it got cancelled last time.”

“Okay”, I sighed, giving in. “But we’re not going alone!”

“Deal. Is this Friday okay?” I nodded, and he smirked. I narrowed my eyes at him and he got out of my way. I walked back to the cafeteria, only to hear the bell ringing for our afternoon classes. Chole and I sluggishly walked toward her next class, which wasn’t with mine and I told her about my talk with Jade and Zayn, and about the plans Harry and randomly made. She agreed to going with me, so I was somewhat relieved. Also, I talked to Niall and Liam in my class. Liam wouldn’t stop apologizing for the fact that I was with him when Jade had heard. I threatened if he ever brought it up; I wouldn’t give him Nikki’s number or e-mail which worked downright magnificently. He shut up right away and I pinched his cheeks when he blushed immensely. However, I didn’t mention Friday’s plans; thought Harry could take that up himself. At the end of the day, I finally got home and took a nap before Hayden came home. Louis wasn’t with her and I told her about my day excluding the interaction with Harry.

“Glad things are getting better for you!” she exclaimed giving me a tight hug, extremely annoying must I say.

She let me go and I nodded. “So, have you got any plans for Friday?” She shook her head no. “Well, Harry asked if I wanted to hang out, and other people are coming so I thought you could come too. I’m pretty sure he’s going to ask Louis so might as well just tell you”

She raised her eyebrow, “He asked just to hang out?”

I smacked her arm playfully and walked into my kitchen to eat. I guess she actually believed he would ask me out, and I didn't doubt it after today but I don't think it would be possible for him to find it interesting to go out with me. 

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