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💔 Breakup #3 💔

Ji-Hyun P.O.V


One of the hardest problems that comes with not having any female friends is having to rely on Instagram and YouTube influencers for random life and dating advice.

My mom showed me the ins and outs of makeup-courtesy of her lauded career on the ice, and she taught me plenty about persistence and being the best, but when it came to guys? The only advice she was able to share was,

"Just don't date anyone like your brother... Or that Park Jimin boy."

That's it.

That's why I'm somewhat grateful that Youn Laila, the third ranked skater in the country and my fellow practice-mate has started to hang out with me. After ballet intensives, between the stretch sessions, and during the off-moments of our morning runs, she's slowly pulled me into her life. She's also the reason why I'm currently putting my number 1 ranking at risk, again. And standing outside my boyfriend Chan's apartment on a Saturday night.
I've told her that I'm not really one for parties,not even his. But she's insisted that I show up and confront him about his "lack of communication." And then she suggests that we finally have sex.

"You said you 2 were arguing a lot more lately, right? Go to his party and tell him what'll make you happy. I'll be there for support if you need me." Her exact advice for me.

I smooth my hands over my dress before opening the door

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I smooth my hands over my dress before opening the door. His townhouse is filled to capacity with red cup holding college students, and the scent of alcohol, sweat, and marijuana is in the air.
I spot him standing on the balcony talking to his other friends, there is a swarm of girls blocking my way.
They're all fawning over some guy in a black leather jacket. Some guy who has a perfectly chiseled side profile, pearly white smile, and..... Wait a minute.

 Wait a minute

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His dark deep eyes suddenly meet mine and he tilts his head to the side. He dropped me off at the rink hours ago, and I'm sure he's expecting to pick me up at midnight.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now