Chapter 33 : Sibling talk and test.

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Jihyun P.O.V

Salt Lake City, Utah.

The sound of skates hitting the ice had never seemed so jarring and annoying. From the moment that I stepped into the training Arena, I felt out of place. As if I didn't belong in this world anymore. All of my days blended in a montage of nonstop workouts, media appearances, and nonstop questions about my former fall. My emotions were still playing an out-of-sync symphony of sadness, and for whatever reason, I couldn't get completely locked into coaching. Katie Folds was extraordinary in every way, and she didn't need any guidance; my presence was a mere formality.

Sighing, I sipped my coffee and signaled for her to take a break.

"Let's take twenty!" I said. She nodded and skated over to me.
"For the record, I watched you all the time when I was younger," she said. "I've saved all of your competition tapes for inspiration. Well, you and your mom's. You two are my favorites of all time."
"That means a lot to me, Katie. Thank you."
"Want something back from the food corner?"
"You're welcome." She nodded and slid a bag over her shoulder.

I waited until she was gone before sitting down and giving in to my emotions again. I'd thought that I could break my record of six hours without thinking about Jimin, but it was no use. He invaded my daydreams, stormed through all of my thoughts, and I had to resist the frequent urge to pick up my phone and contact him. He was, by far, the hardest breakup I'd ever had in my life, and I hated having to deal with it by myself. Without my best friend.

"You know a 'goodbye' would've been nice. Actually, I would've settled for an 'I've changed my mind about flying to the compound to coach' text message. That way, when I came back into town from my mini-coaching stint, I wouldn't have been itching to file a Missing Persons report." Areum suddenly stepped in front of me and took a sit next to me.

"What are you doing here?" Tears pricked my eyes as I looked up at her

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"What are you doing here?" Tears pricked my eyes as I looked up at her. "No, no, no, The person who booked a flight without paying her part of the rent can't ask me any questions right now. The better question is, why are you crying?" she said. I didn't say anything, "Frenemies talk to each other, Jihyun. They tell each other things." she said.

"Jimin broke up with me."
"WHAT?" Her eyes widened.
"He asked for space, and he also cheated on me." Tears fell down my face.
"Where'd you get that latter thing from?" She tilted her head to the side.

"I lost my boyfriend and my best friend in one fell swoop. I just reacted and picked up everything and left. I'm sorry that I didn't call or text ... I didn't know what to say. Now I'm here and this doesn't feel right. I mean, I want this more than anything, but the timing isn't right, you know? And I feel like the one person I want to share it with isn't here to celebrate the chance with me." I didn't feel like addressing that topic right now. She sat next to me on the bench, wrapping her arms around my shoulders. I sobbed so hard that my chest and stomach ached even worse than they did last night.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now