Chapter 3 : Roommate.

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Ji-Hyun P.O.V

🕗 Few days later. 🕓

"I hope that me having a career as blogger on Tiktok and IG won't be a problem for you," my latest "Hell no" roommate option said as she walked around my living room. "I'll probably need to use this couch as a backdrop for some of my deep swallowing and  artificial bestiality videos, if you don't mind."
"Tiktokar's doesn't bother me," I said, trying to think of a way to get her the hell out of my place. If her need to use my place like a mini-movie studio was the only thing that made me raise my eyebrow, I would've agreed to let her stay, but the more she walked around, the more red flags she threw.
She let her Chihuahua run wild the moment she stepped inside, and she encouraged him to pee in my plant since, she says that It's good fertilizer for it.

She let her Chihuahua run wild the moment she stepped inside, and she encouraged him to pee in my plant since, she says that It's good fertilizer for it

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"Well, I appreciate you seeing me on such short notice," she said, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I think you and I will make an in credible match."
"I'll let you know." I forced a smile.
"Be sure to call me with a 'Yes' before 8 tonight," she said. "I'm taking Rex to the doggy spa, and I don't answer calls when I'm there."
Right. "Will do."

The moment she stepped onto the elevator, I picked up my plant and held it under the tap. Then I scratched out her name and looked at the last potential on my list: Bong Ashley.

If this last interview didn't work out, I'd have to choose between a chain smoking foodie and a mortician who warned me that she liked to hang up pictures of her "best work."
Shuddering, I downed a glass of wine and watched the minute hand tick toward 4:30.

The doorbell sounded right on time, and I rushed over and swung the door open.
It took everything in me not to slam the door in her face. This woman's name wasn't Bong Ashley. It was Bong Areum, and I'd live in a homeless shelter before living with her. My competitor, and the only reason why I was missing 3 particular medals, she was still stunning as hell. Her sun-kissed skin, curly blond hair, and hazel-colored eyes were striking as ever, and she looked like she could jump onto the ice and compete with ease.

 Her sun-kissed skin, curly blond hair, and hazel-colored eyes were striking as ever, and she looked like she could jump onto the ice and compete with ease

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