Flashback 6

119 15 19

💔 Breakup #12 💔

Jihyun P.O.V


Ottawa, Canada.

Me: I lost my virginity tonight. Thought you would want to know.

Jimin: I'll pick up a 'Congratulations' card for you at Walgreens (pharmacy store) if you want to celebrate.

Me: I'd rather you pick up a 'Get Well
Soon' one.

Jimin : 😕🤨 What's that supposed to mean?

I don't answer him. I tuck my medal from Skate Canada under my jacket and slip out of the hotel room. Without looking back, I rush downstairs and run across the street to The Hilton. Grateful that there's no one else in line at the front desk, I place my purse onto the counter.

"I need a room, please, I don't care how much it costs." I say.
"I'm sorry. We're sold out due to the skating competition, Miss." The desk agent looks up at me. For a split second, it looks as if she may recognize me, so I look down.
"Are you sure that you don't have anything?" I ask.
"One hundred percent certain. I think most hotels downtown are filled to capacity for the weekend."
"I see." I'm tempted to ask if I can take a nap on the lobby's couch.

"She can take my suite," a familiar voice says from behind. "I haven't been in it yet anyway."

Areum? I turn around in utter disbelief. We tied for first place today, and we traded insults on the podium hours ago.

"I have room 1310. I can share a room with my parents." she said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah." She shoots me a sympathetic look, almost as if she wants to ask what's wrong, but she walks away without another word. The desk agent taps her keyboard a few times and hands me a key packet.
"The elevators are down the hall and to the right." I thank her and walk in the opposite direction. I want to avoid the crowd of people who are headed that way.
As I'm circling the water fountain, my phone vibrates with a call with Jimin familiar ringtone.

"Yeah?" I answer.
"What do you mean by needing a 'Get Well Soon' card?" I don't say anything. "Jihyun, tell me."

"I told Kai no. I told him that I wasn't ready and that I changed my mind, and I know that's a really shitty thing to say in the moment when he's already on top of me and the condom's on, but I didn't want to do it. I said no ..." I Sutter with words.


"He said I was just nervous and then he uh-" I wince at the thought of him sliding into me all at once, him muffling my mouth with his hand and telling me to, "Calm down and take this dick." "He fucked without any mercy, and he didn't care that I was crying." I can barely get the words out. "He left the room for champagne but I couldn't be there anymore, so I walked across the street to stay some place else for the night." Jimin lets out a soft sigh. "The only time he looked into my eyes was when he said his ex's name. The rest of the time, he was-" I can't even finish my sentence. "I need to sleep this off so I can start forgetting about it ASAP. Can you tell Namjoon that I'll need a raincheck for our video call over breakfast tomorrow? I'd really appreciate that."

"Jihyun, wait."

I end the call. I don't want him to hear me cry, and which I've held back long enough.
Once I'm sure that the hallway crowd has gone, I return to the elevator bank. Then I turn off my phone before stepping inside. I double check the room number on the key packet and anxiously watch the numbers tick by as the elevator rises. The moment the doors glide open, I rush down the hall and lock myself inside the assigned room.
I collapse onto the bed, and the sobs wrack my body in waves. Shuting my eyes, I try to fall asleep, but it's no use.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now