Chapter 34 : Acceptance Lawsuit.

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Jimin P.O.V

Pilot Jay : I can't fly you to Utah until a doctor clears you, sir.

Pilot Max : You've asked me this twenty times a day sir. You need clearance from your doctor.

Doctor Bong : I've called every private airport/pilot union and listed you as a safety risk to commercial airlines. You have to heal for a few more weeks, Mr. Park. Be patient.

Fuck it, I'll drive to Utah. I was running on auto-pilot, taking a life I didn't want to live since there was no Jihyun in it. I called her phone multiple times a day, sent endless texts, and even had flowers and apology letters sent directly to the training complex, but they were all returned. She was using my own breakup advice. "Ignore the asshole until he gets the point," against me, and it hurt like hell.

"Your Honor, Mr. Park has done nothing but stare at his phone and mumble to himself since we started this hearing." The raspy voice of Tinder's newest lawyer snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up, realizing that somehow I'd arrived at an agreed-upon boardroom, surrounded by twenty people from each side, "He's also shown up to this hearing wearing a fucking eye-patch." She groaned, "He's not prepared to take this seriously today, and he's wasting our time."

"I was in an accident

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"I was in an accident. I'm willing to answer all of your silly little questions." I said, sighing and taking it off.
"You mean, my legally binding questions?"
"That doesn't make them any less sillier."
"Mr. Park, Please give us your undivided attention and stop looking at your phone." The judge scolded. I refreshed the screen one last time before placing it into my pocket.

"Thank you. Do you know why we're here today?" The lawyer picked up a sheet of paper.

"To try to get more money out of me. Or maybe it's because you're trying to pretend like I'm not ten-times better at building apps than your client over there." I smiled, even though my cheeks still hurt. Tim shot me a glare, and the judge scold me again, "Yes, I know why we're here." I changed my tone. "I'm here to discuss the similarities between Finder and Tinder for lawsuit number 57 between us."

"87." Yoongi coughed.

The lawyer slid a folder toward me, but I didn't look at it. Instead, I looked over at Tim like I'd done several times in the past at these depositions. Even after all this time, he still looked as worried and saddened as he always did. As if he was the only one in the room who knew the truth. Well, besides me.

"Mr. Park, Did you ever steal—" his lawyer said
"You heard me. Not everything, but yes. I stole from Mr. Tim Lassing." I said, standing to my feet.

The room fell silent.

"For what it's worth—" I looked at Tim, "I'll settle with you for what your team asked for. Forty million. I also think you should pick up The New Yorker tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry for what?" He crossed his arms.
"You know what it's for." I didn't say another word. I left the room amidst whispers and murmurs, heading straight to the elevator.

"Jimin?" Yoongi was on my heels, "Jimin, what the hell are you doing? And what the hell is running in The New Yorker tomorrow?"

"I thought you hated spoilers. A copy should arrive at your desk tonight, though." I said.
"What's it about, Jimin?"
"The truth about The Cold War, Yoongi. I finally told the truth about everything." I hit the down button.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now