Chapter 21 : Fraud Jackson.

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Jimin P.O.V

Jackson Wang was a fucking fraud.

The evidence lay ahead of me in black and white, and the numbers didn't lie.

The lengths he'd taken to craft his persona were enough to fill a 900 page novel, but no sane author would ever pen a story with a plot this insane

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The lengths he'd taken to craft his persona were enough to fill a 900 page novel, but no sane author would ever pen a story with a plot this insane. (Then again, he was also a "Korean Times bestseller," according to his website, so perhaps he was borrowing a storyline from one of his nonexistent books.)

In addition to renting his Ferrari, his watches, and his suits, he dated a different woman in every city (5 and counting), with a complementing wardrobe and personality to match.

In Tokyo, Japan, he was a doting widower, who is dating a nurse named Himari. In Bangkok, Thailand, he climbed mountains and led spiritual yoga sessions with a thrill seeking woman named Pen-chan. In Singapore, he moon lighted as a part time stock broker who "hated the thought" of spending weekends away from his girlfriend Chow.

The variations of his last name-- Wong , Weng , Woon, were adjusted sufficiently enough to maintain his game and keep his lies protected. If he were any other boyfriend, I would immediately call Jihyun and tell her what I'd found. I would say, "We need to talk about your boyfriend. You'll need to break up with him tonight."

But in this case, I needed to take a different approach because I wanted her to do more than breakup with him. I wanted her to break up with him, for me.

Pouring myself a shot of scotch, I contemplated how I should handle this. I pulled out one of my stationery sheets and clicked my pen.

Wait. What the hell am I doing?

I picked up my phone and scrolled down to her name. Then I finally opened the series of text messages I'd avoided for the past several days.

Jihyun: Hey. Not sure if my images with the dresses came through or not? Which one should I wear? (Can you answer my other messages as well? I would appreciate your help.)

Jihyun: I see you giving an interview on TV. You looked at your phone when I texted you. Why aren't you answering me?!!

Jihyun: Okay, let's pretend like you've had a string of bad weeks, and you'll tell me about it later. Fresh slate? !!! Okay, great I'm thinking about sleeping with Jackson after your gala since things have been heating up. Let me know what you think about my dirty texts/lingerie. [.img.] [.img]

Fuck this shit.

I clicked on her name hit call. It rang once. It rang twice.

"Please leave your message at the sound of the beep."

Her voicemail sounded instead.


"Jihyun, I know that it's 3 o'clock in the morning, but I need to get this off my chest." I let out a breath. "I can't give you any more advice on landing Jackson, can't tell you another sexy thing that you should do, or suggest a new set of filthy words that you should text him late at night." I paused. "As your best friend, I've reached my limit, and I can honestly say that he doesn't deserve you. I'm not saying all of this because I'm fucking jealous or because he had the audacity to say that he makes more money than me. By the way, I still can't find his name on the Forbes 500 list, and I know damn well that he's renting that Ferrari, but that's a story for a different day. He's not who you think he is, And the better man has always been right in front of you.......... You have every reason to never give me a chance since you know me better than anyone, and you agree with all the tabloids calling me The Cocky King of S. Korea and The Untamed Playboy of Seoul. But I honestly believe that you're better off with someone else, and I need you to see. I'm not asking for too much, I just want you to----"

"Hello? Hello?" Jackson picked up the call before I could save it.

What the fuck?

"I was calling to talk to Jihyun."
"I'm sure you were. But, She's sleeping with me right now, though." he said.
"In that case, I'm sure she's disappointed. Give her the phone." I said.
"She's sleeping, Jimin. She's also my girlfriend, like I told you before, and 3 o'clock in the morning isn't an appropriate time for you to call." He hissed.
"I'm not going to ask you to give her the phone again."
"Your name in her phone is now 'Currently Being an Asshole' so I don't think you two are on that good of terms. She said you haven't called or texted her in weeks. Why's that?"
"That's none of your fucking business."

"Fair enough. Well, since you didn't catch my drift when I stopped by your office, allow me to reiterate: You're just her friend, not her boyfriend. Fall the fuck back." he said.

He hung up on my face, and I didn't bother calling back. I'd rather handle this in person anyway.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now