Chapter 30 : Vacation and downhill.

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Jimin P.O.V

"I hope that smile on your face is because you're seconds away from handing over the last bulk of your apology letters, son." Yoongi looked up at me from his desk Monday morning.

" Yoongi looked up at me from his desk Monday morning

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"It's because I'm taking the rest of the week off."
"That's fine. It'll be nice to give the photogs a well-served break. Hand over the rest of the apology letters that I asked you for." he said.
"I'm taking Jihyun to Bora Bora for a few days. Then we're going to Aspen."
"I don't care. Letters. Now." He narrowed his eyes at me.
"I'll need you and Jennie to keep me up to date on the Tinder thing while I'm away."
"The 'Tinder thing' is a multi-million dollar lawsuit and they are beyond determined to fry your ass this time. Would you like to write Mr. Lassing an apology letter to see if he'll drop it?" He leaned back in his chair.
"I'll consider writing his letter after I get back. That's when I'll pen the others. I'll see you then." I smiled.

"PARK FUCKING JIMIN." He stood up from his desk as I walked away, "Jimin get back here right now!"

I made it onto the elevator before he could come after me. When made it downstairs, I slid behind the wheel of my car.

"How did Yoongi take it?" Jihyun smiled at me.
"He was totally fine."
"So, he's mad as hell?"
"Yep." I sped toward the airport, and she laughed. I clasped her hand behind the gear shift as I drove.
"I don't want this to ever end, Jimin," she said.
"It won't. This is just our beginning." I said.


~ Back at Seoul ~

🗞️ Headline of newspaper and magazine. 🗞️

‼️Jimin Hunter Jets Away with Friend As Tinder Case Heats Up. ‼️

‼️Was Park Jimin Trolling Us with His Apologies?‼️

‼️Jackson Wang of the Jackson W. Fund Under Fire for Alleged Fraud.‼️

‼️Jimin Hunter Spotted at Private Aspen Resort with Friend‼️


Why didn't we cross the line years ago?

Dating Jihyun was the best thing I'd ever experienced in my life, and I now understood why she'd so desperately chased this euphoric high. My days started and ended with her taste on my lips, her laughter against my chest, and conversations that I never wanted to end. Our nightly strolls through Han river were slowly trickling onto the smaller gossip blog sites via "Is Park Jimin Dating His Best Friend?" and "Is it Me, or Are They A Bit Too Close in These Pics?" type of posts, but there was nothing more. And I honestly didn't care. I was in love with her. Occasionally, she'd still say, "Please don't ever hurt me," and "I don't have anyone else if I don't have you," when we spoke for a little too long, but I was determined to make her never worry about us breaking up again.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now