Chapter 15 : Cafe

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Jihyun P.O.V

I knocked on the front door of Bongsan House's restaurant in the morning, hoping that Jimin's security were the only people inside. So that, I'd get a few minutes alone to myself. I fucking needed it.

The moment I saw Jimin at the theater last night, the butterflies I'd felt for Jackson lost a fight to something far more powerful in my chest when I saw him

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The moment I saw Jimin at the theater last night, the butterflies I'd felt for Jackson lost a fight to something far more powerful in my chest when I saw him. The sight of him in a custom black, three-piece suit had always been deadly to me even when I was prepared for it. But when it caught me off guard? There were no sufficiently suitable words to describe it. He'd ruined the rest of the play for me.

During the second act, I wasn't witnessing the story on stage; I was imagining, Jimin pulling me into that corner all over again. Pressing his lips against mine and gripping my waist, claiming me in front of everyone and not giving a damn about any photogs that caught shots of us.

He's your brother's best friend........your best friend..........and the ultimate play boy........ Snap out of it, Jihyun.

Those words were the only ones that seemed to lure some sense into my brain.

Letting out a breath, I knocked on the door again.

"Sorry about that Miss Jihyun." Jimin's lead guard opened the door. "Happy Saturday."
"Happy Saturday." I took off my sunglasses and noticed Jimin sitting in the back, looking sexy as ever in blue denim jeans and a white loss shirt with hair all frizzy. His knees pick out from the jeans and I felt him more sexy with that.

He'd already ordered my favorites, beignets and strawberries, and he was sipping a cup of coffee

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He'd already ordered my favorites, beignets and strawberries, and he was sipping a cup of coffee.

He'd already ordered my favorites, beignets and strawberries, and he was sipping a cup of coffee

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"Hey." His eyes met mine as I approached.
"Where's Jackson?"
"He had a last minute meeting." As I took my seat, his security guard set a rose bouquet and a note between us.
"For you, Miss Jihyun, From  Mister Wang." he said. He pulled a receipt from his pocket and handed it to Jimin. "Also, he uh, pre-paid for the two of you to have brunch today."

"How very kind of him," Jimin said, and we sat in silence for a few seconds after the guard walked away. "How was the rest of your night with Jeckson?" he asked.
"It's Jackson." I picked up a fork. "It was good. How was the rest of yours?"
"Good....You didn't call me when you made it home."
"I didn't think you were still awake. We went on a joyride in his Ferrari, and he didn't drop me off until 3."
"Since when do I not answer late night calls from you?"
"Right." I swallowed. "Look. About last night-"
"What about it?"
"I don't think I ever told you that I wanted to see Black swan. I kept thinking about it over dinner, and I feel like I should've. Would you have sat through it with me?" I said.  He gave me a look that answered that rhetorical question. "I think we should spend some time together. I feel we haven't hung out that much lately."
"We haven't." He tapped his fingers against the table. "My apology tour and gala planning has picked up, though. That's probably why."

"Oh, yeah." I'd almost forgotten about the gala. "Well, Jackson is taking me down to Jeju this week to hang out at near Beach, so how about the day after we get back?"
"I took you to Jeju beaches last year."
"He'll never know. I play dumb like you said, whenever he suggests something I've already done with you before. It'll be my first with him, right?" I smiled.
"Right." He downed his coffee.
"He hasn't asked me to be exclusive yet. We're just dating." I said
"I know."
"It was a question."
"I didn't hear the inflection."
"Oh." I cleared my throat. "Is it a problem that he hasn't asked me to be exclusive yet?"

"No." He shook his head. "I know you two have a history, but it's only been a few weeks. You should give it a few more. You should also remember to hold up your half of our deal."

"I have." I pulled a few letters from my bag. "13, for all the members of a street symphony that you insulted for playing love songs you didn't like. You asked for Taylor Swift's 'Clean' and they played 'Blank Space'. In all fairness, I probably would've lost my shit, too." A smile spread across his face, and the strange tension between us slowly dissolved.
"That's not what happened. But thank you." he said.
"I'm not sure I want to know anything else about what you were doing during our Cold War." I picked up a beignet. "You were always pretty petty, but each set of apologies is getting crazier and crazier."
"The only thing you need to know about our Cold War is that you started it."
"No, you started it." I pointed my finger at him. "But I forgive you." He laughed and sipped his coffee.

"Your brother is coming into town. Want to bring Jackson along for lunch?"
"Never." I rolled my eyes. "The earliest I'd introduce him to Namjoon is at the fight in Vegas, where he'll be too distracted to grill the hell out of him. That's why I'm glad I have you. You're far more understanding about guys than Namjoon will ever be."

"I see, That's what best friends do for each other, right?" he said. I wasn't sure why, but it sounded like there was a bit of grit in his voice when he said, "best friends" and I felt like he didn't really mean that.

A part of me, one I couldn't deny or explain, didn't want him to mean it. "Dinner tomorrow night at SUPERZI restaurant?" I said, shaking away the thought.
"How about the next night? Yoongi is making me do a mock deposition and I don't know how long he'll make me stay."

"Perfect, SUPERZI. Tuesday night." I said.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now