Chapter 18 : Friendship boundaries crossed.

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Jihyun P.O.V

I stood still staring at Jimin, pinned to the spot by his heated gaze.

"The door is behind you, Jihyun." he said, moving closer.
"I know exactly where it is."
"Then why aren't you walking toward it?"
"Because I'm starting to think that we need to set some boundaries in our friendship."
"I agree, You can send me the list in an email or a text message. You need to leave my condo, though. NOW." he said.
"I don't want to discuss my sex life with Jackson anymore."
"You mean, your lack of a sex life?" He narrowed his eyes. "Dirty texts and dry humps on the couch aren't sex. Then again, maybe that's what you've been doing with all your boyfriends this entire time."
"I don't want to discuss the sex I've had with my previous boyfriends either."
"I'm not a fan of talking about failure anyway."

"In the meantime, I want you to go back to being a good best friend and calling me." I said, taking a step back as he moved forward.
"It would help if you actually picked up the fucking phone."
"I pick up whenever you call."
"Only to ask for a raincheck."
"You sound like that bothers you."
"It shouldn't."
"So, can you please go back to being my best friend and giving me advice when I ask for it? We have a deal."I said.

"We need to make some amendments first." He looked me up and down. "You haven't been holding up your side."
"Seriously? I send you 10 fucking letters a day-minimum. I've crafted over a 100 templates, and-"
"You still can't find the time of day to see me in person."
"So much for it not bothering you."
"I never said that it didn't." He closed the gap between us. "I said it shouldn't."


"This is the part where you leave my place, Jihyun." He lifted his hand and tucked a few errant strands of hair behind my ear. His perfect glistening body is on flex. Standing there this close, half naked, only in sweats made my breathing uneven "Other wise... "

"Otherwise, what?" I intrude. But he didn't answer. Instead..........................................

He crashed his plumy lips against mine, sliding his other arm around my waist and pulling my flush against him within seconds

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He crashed his plumy lips against mine, sliding his other arm around my waist and pulling my flush against him within seconds. There is no spase left for even air to pass.

I lost my balance as he dominated my mouth with his, taming my tongue in between breaths. I struggled to keep up with his tempo, clawing my fingers into his sides skin for some sense of control, but he didn't give an inch. My back hit the wall as he steadied me, and his cock hardened against my thighs. I can clearly feel how hard as rock he is. And it makes me feel wet in between my legs. I unintentionally rub my legs together and he smirk.

"Open your mouth a bit wider for me..." he whispered. "We both know that all of me won't fit this way."

Lost in a trance, I willingly obliged, and he trapped my bottom lip between his teeth, biting down on it so hard that I couldn't help but cry out. Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he freed my lip and slid two fingers inside of my mouth, slowly pushing them in and out. I moaned as he gently grazed the back of my throat, feeling my pussy get wetter with each teasing stroke. He used his hips to tease me with another rhythm, showing me just how good we could be.

Smiling, he slowly pulled his hand from my mouth, trailing the pad of his wet fingertips against my lips.

"Does your boyfriend make you this wet?" He slid a hand under my dress and pushed my panties to the side, strumming his fingers against my soaking wet clit. He circles it few times, sending shivers in my whole body, making my legs week. His storng arm is only thing that keep me stand and steady at on my legs, otherwise I will be fallen on the floor way before. His fingers found their way deep inside of me, and I grinded against his hand.

He attacked my lips any kiss hungerly. He muffled my moans with his mouth again, pleasuring me all over at once with ease.

No man in my life had ever kissed me like this. No man in my life had ever..........
I suddenly realized what the hell I was doing. Who the hell I was kissing and riding.

Oh my god! I tore away from him, and he stepped back. We stared at each other and panted heavily, letting the remaining tension suffocate any chance at conversation.

"I should go now." was all I could say.

He didn't say anything in return. He just stared at me. Swallowing, I moved past him and headed to the door. I took the elevator downstairs and signaled for one of his town cars. When I was halfway home, with the taste of his mouth still on my lips, I sent him a text.

Me: That kiss never happened, right?

Just Jimin: Delete this part of our thread before your boyfriend sees it.

Me: Can you agree that the kiss never happened first?



Jimin P.O.V

I didn't text or call her for an entire week.

I couldn't.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now