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💔 Breakup #9 💔

Jihyun P.O.V



Subject: Us

Dear Jihyun,

I've been thinking A LOT lately, and these past few months with you have been pretty fucking awesome. I really like your vibe and all, but I don't think that this long distance thing will work for me.

You spend more time at practice on the ice than you do with me, and I don't think I'm built for all the traveling you do, so yeah..............
I don't want us to be over AT ALL, I'm just asking for some space until you have more time for me.

Good luck at Skate Canada next month.




You think this was a good enough message to end things with Miss 'Too Good to Fuck'?

Kind of feel bad since she's a nice girl, but she was on some bullshit. "7 date rule" and didn't even offer to suck my dick while I waited on her to give me the pussy. (Took her out to eat 5 times and she didn't even think about giving me her mouth once.)

If she'd done that, maybe I'd have more of an incentive to stop messing around with Maya. Let me know if you're still planning to head to the Alpha Party tonight.

I'm going to Maya's first.



Jimin's lip turn up into a smirk as he reads over my ex's accidental email for the third time in a row

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Jimin's lip turn up into a smirk as he reads over my ex's accidental email for the third time in a row. He read it in a different accent each time; Russian, British, Italian, as if that somehow softens the impact of the words.

"Okay," he says, returning my phone. "I think that's enough. There's only thing left for me to say about this breakup."
"Don't you dare say it, Jimin." I narrow my eyes at him. "Keep that shitty-ass line of commentary to yourself."
"Why?" He smiles. "He's been calling your relationship 'Long distance' when you live 30 minutes away from each other. That was a red-flag from day one."
"I still don't want to hear you say it. Not right now."

"Okay, well-" He taps his fingers against the steering wheel. "I won't dare hurt your feelings any further by saying, I fucking told you so."
"Ugh!!!!!!!!!" I roll my eyes. "Thanks for being so mature."
"You're welcome. For the record, the next time a guy tells you that he needs space, he's just trying to be gentle about breaking up with you."
"Noted." I look outside the window, wondering if he's ever going to start the car. We've been setting here for hours.
"How much longer do we have to sit here and stare at your ex girlfriend's house?" I ask.
"She was never my girlfriend, I just liked her a lot." he says. I tap my foot.

The woman in question is, well, was, a member of his app team. And she's the first woman who managed to get him to go out on 10 dates in a row. A record that will probably never be broken.

"I just don't understand why we're sitting out here staring at a house. Like--" I say.
"She's in there fucking the new guy I just hired to the team. He's engaged and she's fucking him. I had my suspicions, but I needed to see it for myself." He interrupts.

I look over and notice that the red car from his other teammate is parked on the side of the street

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I look over and notice that the red car from his other teammate is parked on the side of the street. "I was planning to make her an Italian dinner if I was wrong about it." he says.
"All those grocery bags in the back were for her? Not you?" I asked but he doesn't answer.
"Do you want me to give you some breakup advice?" I ask.
"Not at all, Jihyun."

"I'm going to give you some anyway." I clear my throat. "I think that we should drive to Supermarket and buy the best brand of box cutters." I look at him. "Then we should slash her and the new guy's tires. After that, you should send his fiancee an anonymous text via the Block Sender app with a picture of his car parked in her drive way. Then you should fire her via text with the same thoughtfulness that she gave you, and after that, you can use all those groceries to make me an Italian dinner. I'll probably feel starved by then."

"Are you being serious, Hyun? That is by far the pettiest, immaturely stinted, and ridiculous advice that you could ever give someone in this situation." He looks at me like I've lost my mind.
"I didn't mean for it to come off that way I know that you'd never do any of that. I was trying to lighten the mood and make you laugh." I say.
"There's nothing funny about this," he says, pausing. "Because we don't need to go all the way to Supermarket for a great box cutter. The gas station around the corner sells plenty of those."
"Oh! Do you already have the Block Sender App, then?" I smile.
"I will in a few seconds." He hands me his cell phone. "Download that for me, please."
"Will do. Um, does this mean that you're making me the Italian dinner once we're finished? Are we following that part of my suggestion, too?"

"Don't fucking push it."

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now