Chapter 14 : Theatre and Dinner

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Jimin P.O.V

A couple of years ago, I unknowingly created one of my top enemies in this city. I was attending an opening night at theater and speaking to an undercover reporter.

At intermission, she said, "What do you think so far?" and I said, "I've seen better high school productions."

The following day. The Korean Times ran my picture along with "Park Jimin Unimpressed with Opening Night" as a lead story, and it caught fire.

The play was considered D.O.A.- dead on arrival, and the production lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Ever since then, the director took out a full page ad at the back of The Post with "Park Jimin is an Asshole" and a new picture of me.

Sighing, I looked over the last lines of his letter before tucking it into an envelope. As I was making sure the address was centered, my phone buzzed with a text.

Jihyun: Can I have a raincheck tonight?

Me: Another one?

Jihyun: I just sent you 20 letters.

Me: In that case, I'll write as many rainchecks as you like.

I shut my inbox and decided to deliver the letter to the theater, personally.


"Jimin! Look over here"...................
"Any comment on your pictures?"...
"Any word on Tinder?" ....................

The photogs yelled after me as I stepped out of my car.

I ignored them and made my way to the V.I.P. entrance of the theatre. Before I could ask the hostess to direct me to the executive box, Mr. Lewis stepped in front of me.

 Lewis stepped in front of me

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"Well, well, well. Glad to see you here to insult my work all over again. We're sold out tonight and the second act is almost over." he said, crossing his arms.
"I'm not here to watch your show." I pulled the envelope from my breast pocket. "I'm here to say sorry."
He stepped back, looking scared to take it from me.
"What type of poison did you put on the pages?"
"None." I rolled my eyes. "It's a goddamn apology, and it's one of the ones I wrote by hand. I didn't mean to affect your production back then, even if it was a shitty play with the most terrible acting I've ever seen."

"I shouldn't have said anything publicly about it." I held out the letter again. "I'm sorry." He stared at me for a few seconds before taking the envelope.
"Can we bury the hatchet without me reading a word of this?"
"How so?"
"Well, um..." He looked nervous. "We're doing well box office wise so far, but I think we'd do even better if you were spotted here and maybe made a comment about how much you love it so much that you had to stop by just to see your favorite part."
"Sold." I snatched the envelope back. "I'll make an appearance at the bar during the intermission."
"Thank you." He snapped his fingers."Brenda, can you get Mr. Park a drink and escort him up to the bar area?"

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now