Chapter 13 : Raincheck!

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Jimin P.O.V

🗞️ Headlines of newspapers and magazines. 🗞️

‼️ Hell Has Frozen Over: Park Jimin is Actually Apologizing

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‼️ Hell Has Frozen Over: Park Jimin is Actually Apologizing. ‼️

‼️ The Allure of Handwritten Letters: How Park Jimin Is Bringing It Back to Life. ‼️

‼️Park Jimin's Apology Letter to Hilton Hotels Revealed: Details Inside! ‼️

‼️10 Reasons Why We're Skeptical of Park Jimin's Apologies (Just Give Us More D'ck Pics!) ‼️


"Jennie, have you heard from Jihyun today?" I looked up the moment she stepped into my office Monday morning.
"Why would she ever call me when she talks to you 20 times a day?"
"It's a yes or no question."

"It's a pretty stupid question." She smiled and set the latest copy of The Korean Post on my desk. "The CEO of The Williams Company leaked your letter this morning. He still hates you, but he wants you to know that you're forgiven for being an ass years ago."
"It's a yes or no question." I repeated myself.
"Mr. Walsh from Tinder is currently giving a brand-new interview on Good Morning S. Korea, and he says that he doesn't want an apology letter from you. He wants a confession."
"He's not even on my list."
"Thank you for finally joining me on this conversation topic." She rolled her eyes. "I've personally sent 'Thank You' packages to everyone who replied 'Yes' to your charity gala, and I sent one to myself since you have a problem saying that phrase to me."
"Your paycheck says it loud and clear."
"The fireworks coordinator is calling me in an hour via video-chat to give me a preview of the show based on your ideas. Would you like to join us?"
"Not at all."
"I figured. Well, that's all I have for you at this. moment." She shrugged. I stared at her.

"We're off to a fabulous Monday here at Finder, Mr. Park. It's nice to have actual business things on my agenda instead of personal things for a change. Although, yes, I will be sure to deliver the second wardrobe to Jihyun's brownstone this afternoon. No need to ask me for that." she said.

No really. Why haven't I fired you?  I tapped my fingers against my desk as she smiled and silently dared me to do it.

"Oh, and I remembered something..." She pulled a yellow post-it from her pocket. "Jihyun called me an hour ago since your phone kept going to voicemail. She said she needs a raincheck for dinner tonight because Jackson is taking her to-" She squinted, then she tossed me the paper. "I can't read the rest. I guess I scribbled it down too fast."

"Why couldn't you say that before?" 
"Because I'm desperately waiting for you to threaten to fire me, so Mr. Min Yoongi can offer me another big bonus to come back. Is there anything else that I can do for you today?" She smiled.

It took everything in me not to say what I really wanted to say. "No, thank you, Jennie. Please be sure that the next set of letters are sent off today."
"Will do, Mr. Park." She took her time walking out of my office.

I glanced at the post and read her handwriting was just fine.

I glanced at the post and read her handwriting was just fine

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A few day later.

Jihyun: Hey! Why does it feel like we haven't talked in forever?

Me: Because it's been 5 days. That's a record for us. How was Jeju island?

Jihyun: Soooo fucking beautiful. He owns a residency building right on the beach and he gave me a private walk-through. He wanted to stay a few nights (separate suites), but I thought that would mean moving too fast. Right?

Me: Right.

Me: Feel like catching up at 'Bongsan House' later?

Jihyun: Can't Jackson  is hosting a party at the top of the 63 Building skyscrapers. It's a "Thank You" event for his top executives, and he invited me as his date 🥰.

 It's a "Thank You" event for his top executives, and he invited me as his date 🥰

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Me: Are you sure that Jackson has a real job? When exactly does he work, if he has all this free time to fly you around and throw parties?

Jihyun: That is so beyond ironic coming from you. (Did you receive the 20 apology letters I emailed?)

Me: How so? I'm a changed man now. (Yes.)

Jihyun: You're a changing" man, but you're still a womanizing asshole. LOL. I'll call you once I get home. I'll tell you all about it.


She didn't call. Didn't even text.

All she did was send me a 'raincheck' email.
For 3 days in a row.

This wasn't quite the 5 day record we'd just set, but it was unusual all the same. Even when she'd dated boyfriends in the past, they never took up this much of her time in the beginning.

They received her mornings or her afternoons, and I received the rest. The best.

I wasn't sure why, but for the time since we'd become friends, I felt like I was undergoing the oncoming symptoms of withdrawal.

And I didn't like it.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now