Chapter 16 : You like him?

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Jimin P.O.V

Tuesday night.

"You really need to get better at disguises," a familiar deep voice said from behind. "Like, I knew it was you from miles away." I turned around to see Namjoon in shades and begi t-shirt with jacket over and a bag slung over his right shoulder.

" I turned around to see Namjoon in shades and begi t-shirt with jacket over and a bag slung over his right shoulder

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"No, I just need to fire Jennie for always letting you slip by." He laughed and sat next to me on the bench.
"When you finally fire her, let me know so I can make her an offer to work for me."
"You can't afford her. Why are you in town so early?" I said.
"All the hype in Vegas is getting to me." He pulled off his shades and sighed. "All this buildup and training for the fight is a bit overwhelming, you know? I feel like I can retire after this one, though."

I didn't bother responding to that. Every one of his fights was the one where he could "retire-after-this-type" and there was no way he was giving it up without a good reason Or death.

"I want to personally give you something. Where's Hyun?" he said.
With Jackson. "Running late as always."
"I should've known." He pulled a few glittering light blue lanyards with sparkling badges from his pocket. His face was on one side, and "The Punisher, Forever Undefeated" was on the other.

 His face was on one side, and "The Punisher, Forever Undefeated" was on the other

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"These are for you, Hyun and her roommate that shall not be named."
"Areum hated you in the past, too?" "Rightfully so." He smiled. "You can each bring a plus-one if your like, but you have to get their names on the list a week before or they can't come."
"I've heard about your apology tour. Will I receive one from you anytime soon?" He crossed his arms.
"You can have it right now, I'm sorry you ever think that I'm apologizing for shit to you." I said.

We both laughed.

We sat on the bench talking for hours, as if things were how they once were, and before I knew it, it was almost midnight

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We sat on the bench talking for hours, as if things were how they once were, and before I knew it, it was almost midnight. "Shit." He looked at his watch. "I need to get back to my hotel. Are you allowed to go out or are you still on punishment with Yoongi?"
"It's not punishment. It's image-rehab."
"Whatever you say." He stood to his feet. "Come over for lunch when you have some free time this week. I'm here through Saturday. Should I assume that Jihyun isn't coming at this point?"

"Probably." I stood up, too.
"I should've asked if she had a serious boyfriend before coming into town." he said, laughing. "I guess I can hang up seeing her before Vegas." I didn't laugh with him. I walked alongside him as we made our way
past my security and into separate cars.

As my driver pulled off, I took out my phone and saw that Jihyun had texted me hours ago. Right before Namjoon arrived at the bench.

Jihyun : Can I have a raincheck for tonight? Jackson surprised me again.

Jihyun : I'll make this up to you, I promise.

Jihyun : Jimin?

I let out a sigh and texted her back.

Me: Of course. I spent most of the night talking to your brother anyway.

Jihyun : I need to ask you about something later. Can I call you in an hour?

Me: Sure.


My phone sounded with Jihyun's signature ringtone early in the morning. I rolled over and noticed the time, 5:15 am. What the hell? I grabbed it and swiped the screen.

"Yes, Jihyun?" I answered.
"Were you sleeping?"
"Clearly. What's going on?" I groaned.
"I'll be quick, Hold on. Let me move." she said.

The faint sound of elevator music and laughter came over the line. "Have you ever had truffles? I think they're a bit overrated." She asked.
"I know that this is not what you called to talk about."
"I called to tell you that I feel like I'm living in the pages of a romance. Jackson is perfect. He surprised me and Areum with this invite to a private truffle tasting. In the center of mine, he wrote a note saying that he's really glad we found each other again." she said.
"You need advice on this?"
"He wants to take me to the Bahamas for a week," she said. "We'd have separate suites since he's there for business, but is it too early?"

I said nothing. I wasn't used to her dating someone with extreme financial means, someone who had access to so much and was willing to use it so soon.

"When exactly is he trying to take you away from me?"
"When is he trying to take you away?"
"The end of next month, After your gala." she said.
"Hmmm, this is good, or Hmmm this is not good?"
"Hmmm. This is interesting."
"Well, he doesn't need an answer right away, so whenever you determine which one it is, let me know."
"I will."

Silence stretched over the line for several seconds.

"I feel like we haven't talked in a while." we both said in unison.

She laughed. "Good to know the feeling is mutual. How are you letters coming? I saw the editor of Vogue reading her's aloud to her fans on social media."
"She didn't tell them that she sent me a letter saying that she'd only accept it if I doubled her check and gave her ten extra tickets to the gala."
"Did you?"
"Only because I didn't have a choice."
"Of course. Is Yoongi happy with the good press?" She laughed again.
"Yoongi is never happy, but I think he'll be less stressed out after the Tinder thing."
"You could just lie and say that you did steal it so we can settle it once and for all."

"Then they'd sue me for all of eternity." I needed to change the subject. "You really like Jackson?"

"Yeah, I do. I think he's the nicest guy I've ever dated. I think he'll be the first guy who actually believes we're just best friends." "What's that supposed to mean?" I sat up, convinced I was hearing things.
"Oh, just that, I tend to forget how much I call or hang out with you." She let out a breath.
"We haven't hung out that much lately." "That's the point I'm trying to make."
"Can you try a bit harder? I'm still not getting it." I asked.

Her light and raspy laugh came over the line. "Go back to sleep. You're being a grumpy."

"Fine." I lay back down again. "Again, though. You really like him?"

"Yes, I do. Goodnight."


Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now