Chapter 26 : Meeting with Joon.

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Jimin P.O.V

Incheon, South Korea.

If it weren't for the fact that I was fixed about keeping my promises, I would've spent the rest of my weekend in bed with Jihyun instead of chartering a mid-day flight to Incheon.

Sadly, this date was set months in advance, and I'd always agreed to show up to the opening ceremonies for Namjoon's chain of workout gyms. It was something that ensured that even in our busiest years, we scheduled the time to support each other. By the time my plane landed and the town car droped me down New Street, I was twenty minutes late. I rode a private elevator to the top floor of the building, finding the usual suits already lined up for the photo. Forcing a smile at the anxious press, I took my place right next to Namjoon.

"Thank you for blessing us all with your presence today, So glad that I'm worthy of your time." he muttered.
"You're not, I'd much rather be in Seoul." I said.
"Jihyun said she was coming, but apparently she's too sick to make it." He laughed and said.
No, she's too sore to make it. "I'll check on her when I get back."
"Thank you." He said.

"On the count of three, say, 'Congratulations on location number seven, Mr. Kim,' everyone!" The photog saved me from letting that conversation go anywhere else.

"One ... two ... three!"

"Congratulations on location number seven, Mr. Kim!"

Everyone smiled as Namjoon held a pair of oversized scissors above a red ribbon. With the photogs trailing our every move, we walked around the gym and posed for perfectly curated shots for the next hour and a half.

 With the photogs trailing our every move, we walked around the gym and posed for perfectly curated shots for the next hour and a half

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"Which penthouse suite did you book for the weekend?" Namjoon tossed me a free weight after they snapped the final picture.
"None, I'm flying back home." I said.
"Why so soon?"
"I have some personal business to handle."
"You're not the slightest bit interested in hanging out with me before I have to completely lock in for the fight of my life?"
I'm more interested in your sister. "I have plans."

"Some best friend you are." He pretend to get hurt and pulled a folded paper from his back pocket. "Guess who I spotted on the cover of Page Six this morning?"

"Whatever they wrote about me, it isn't true."

"You weren't important enough to make the cover this time." He unfolded it, revealing a stunning photo of Jihyun and Jackson standing next to each other on entering podium. The words "South Korea's Newest Bachelor Dances the Night Away at Park Jimin's Annual Gala" graced the top of the page. "I spent a few minutes researching her date this morning, and he looks like he totally has his shit together. This might be the first boyfriend of hers that I actually approve. Do you like him?" He smiled.

 Do you like him?" He smiled

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"They broke up already. That was nothing more than a friendly photo opp. She's dating someone else now." I didn't want to acknowledge Jackson Wangs' existence ever again.
"Okay then ... Is the 'someone else' a better guy?"
"A much better guy."
"Cool. You know, sometimes I feel a little bit jealous that she tells you more about her personal life than me." He shrugged.
"That's because I've never threatened to murder any of her boyfriends."
"I only did that one time."
"You've done it six times."
"Those don't count if I never made it to prison." He instantly confirmed how sane he was, "Thanks for still being there for her whenever I can't be, though."

"No problem."

"I really mean that, man." He looked genuine. "I owe you a huge one, and I'm still trying to figure out a way to pay you back someday. If you were the one who'd lost your parents and had a little sister—"

"I would've never left her anywhere near you."

"Yeah, true. What the hell was I thinking back then?" He laughed. "Anyway, how about joining me at the strip club before you leave?"

"I literally just told you that I have plans, Namjoon."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure that Yoongi can wait a few hours."
"My girlfriend can't."
"YOUR WHAT? What did you say?" He looked at me as if I was speaking a foreign language.
"I said, my girlfriend can't wait."
"Is this some type of fake arrangement for your image or something?"
"No, it's the real deal. I'll introduce her to you later" I held back a sigh, knowing that the time to discuss dating Jihyun would be long after Vegas.
"But like.... Given your track record with monogamy and shit, you probably won't last that long with her anyway, so can we still go to the strip club together?"
"Goodbye, Namjoon. I'll see you in Vegas" I patted his shoulder before heading towards the door.


~ Back at Seoul ~

🗞️Headline of newspaper and magazine. 🗞️

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