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💔 Breakup #6 💔

Jimin P.O.V

PAY 5500 Rs. •

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): Hey. You busy?

Me: Yes. Do not call me.

Me: Aren't you on a date with your newest boyfriend right now?

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): He's in the restroom. I need to ask you something important.

Me: I just said that I was busy, Jihyun.
(Happy Birthday, btw.)

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): Do you think it's weird that I've never had an orgasm when any of my past boyfriends have gone down on me? Like, their mouths feel good against my lips. But down there, it's never the OMG earth shattering thing that I've heard people talk about. (Thank you! Sweet 18!)

Me: Stop texting me. NOW.

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): All of them have fingered me while they're doing it and I do like that, but...Is there something I'm not doingk? How do I get an orgasm the next time?

Me: Reread my last message. I'm turning my phone off.

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): Why? You said I could ask you for advice.

Me: About dating and breakups. NOT sex.

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): Who else can I ask then?

I set my phone down and sigh. You changed her name in your phone for a reason. Do not answer this. Ever. I remind myself.
Tonight marks the n'th night in a row that she's taken my "I'll give you breakup advice whenever you want" offer a little too seriously. At first, I honestly didn't mind, but that was until she started giving me a history lesson about all of her breakups; the studies were never ending for someone who was only 17. Well, 18.

To her credit, she moved on fast after each one, dumping any guy at the first sign of disrespect. She also made it perfectly clear what she was looking for in the early stages, so any guy who stuck around after hearing her delusional outlook on love had to like her. Not only that, but her relationships had to be balanced on a training, travel, and performance schedule that was getting stretched thinner by the day. Since she's placed first in every competition this year The Grand Prix, Cup of China, and the Four Continents Championship, all while maintaining her number one ranking in the world, she's all but guaranteed to be selected for a spot on the Olympic team. Why do I know this shit? Well;

I tap my screen and scroll through our previous thread of messages, stoping on the one she sent me last night.

Joon's Little Sis (Stop Giving Her Advice): Is it too much to ask for a guy who wants me and only me? A guy who's in this for the long-haul? I know I'm young, but my parents got married at 18 and they were always happy...I want that for myself. You think that's possible?

It's not, but I'd told her yes anyway.

Without thinking, I tap her name and hit call.

"Yeah, Jimin?" she answers on the first ring.
"Okay, look, Do you know where your clit is?" I say.
"Good. After your date tonight, point it out to your boyfriend and tell him to kiss it slowly and use his tongue to focus on it."
"Wait. I thought you previously said that I shouldn't get intimate with a guy until date 5. This is only date 3, and I want to make sure I'm prepared by then."

I roll my eyes. "In that case, use 2 fingers and touch it yourself until you feel it swelling, until it feels like you can't take any more."
"I've tried that before, but I always pull back... I don't think I ever go long enough. How long should it take?"

"Jihyun." I can't believe she's not letting this go. "You know what. Buy a vibrator online and read the instructions. Or worse, if you're that damn anxious, go to supermarket for an electric toothbrush. Take. off the bristles, buy the padded attachment, and press that against your clit the next time you're horny. Don't move it until your pussy is super wet and throbbing in utter pleasure. You'll know when you're coming, clear?"


"Can I hang up now, and act like this conversation never happened?"
"After one last thing, How long should I wait for him to come back from the bathroom before going to check on him?" she asked.
"Depends. How long has he been in there?"
"15 minutes." A paper ruffles in the background. "He handled the check and then he..............Holy fucking shit."

"He wrote 'Sorry. It's Me, Not You. I Owe You' on the receipt!" She sucks in a breath. "This dinner cost 5500 rupees and he-" She pauses again. "I'm looking at him now."

"He's returning to the table to pay it?"
"No, he's outside getting into his car. Should I ask the manager if I can wash dishes to pay for this?" She sighs.
"No, sit tight." I send my graphic designer a message to let him know that I'll finish up the app's logo some other night. "Order a pork belly stake, tender with extra butter for me. I'll join you there in 20 minutes."

"Really?" There's a smile in her voice. "In that case, can you also take me to supermarket when we're finished?"

I hang up in her face.

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now