Chapter 19 : Ask him about that kiss.

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Jihyun P.O.V

The leather seats in Jackson's Ferrari blew heat against my thighs as we coasted along the Bridge. Raindrops attacked the windshield with a vengeance, and he clasped my hand behind the gear shift. For the second night in a row, I was taking him on a pastry tour, showing him some of my favorite bagel cafes in the city.

This man was honestly everything I'd ever wanted in a boyfriend, but that kiss from Jimin's lips was still infiltrating my thoughts at every turn

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This man was honestly everything I'd ever wanted in a boyfriend, but that kiss from Jimin's lips was still infiltrating my thoughts at every turn. It was showing up in the hidden places of my mind whenever I thought I'd forgotten it. It was also far hotter than any of the latest "Disney kisses" and dry hump sessions that Jackson was giving to me. It's a good thing that we haven't spoken to each other this week.

"Hey. Are you there, Jihyun?" Jackson waved his hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts, realizing that we were parked in front of DJ's Bagels.
"Sorry. I was daydreaming."
"Hope it was about me." He smiled, brushing a few strands of hair off my face. "I really like you a lot."
"I like you, too."
"I can't believe they close so early," he said, reaching back to get his jacket."I'll be right back."
"Take your headphones. Trust me." I pointed to the dashboard. He pressed a light kiss against my lips and grabbed them.
"I'll take your word for it."

I watched him walk into the rain and hold the door open for a couple before stepping inside. He blew me a kiss from the window, and I blew one right back.

My phone suddenly sounded with Jimin's ringtone, and I put in my air-pods before answering

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My phone suddenly sounded with Jimin's ringtone, and I put in my air-pods before answering.

"Hey," I said.
"Hey. Am I catching you at a bad time?" His deep voice came over the line.
"I'm out with Jackson."
"That's not what I asked."
"No. This isn't a bad time. He's inside DJ's getting us some bagels." I wasn't sure why my heart was skipping a beat.
"Did you warn him that the bakers are typically super slow because they're perfectionists?"
"I think he'll realize that pretty soon. That's part of the first-timer's experience, though." I held back a laugh.
"I agree. While he's in there, I need your help with a letter to someone you know personally. Well, someone you used to know."
"Okay. I'm listening." I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Dear Spencer Turner-" He cleared his throat. "I would like to formally apologize for an incident that happened several years ago. Without saying too much, the reason you never made it to dinner at The Falls on your special day was me. However, I'm only apologizing because I only meant to break your jaw, not your ribcage. My apologies, Park Jimin. Thoughts?"

"I think you need to sit on that one for a while. Actually, don't send it or bother rewriting it. Ever." His deep laughter came over the line, and my stomach tightened at the sound of it.
"That's not the real version, I only wanted to check and see if I could get away with what I truly want to say." he said.
"So, you did beat up "The One That Made a Podcast" back then?"

"I beat him up because you spent an entire week crying over what he did to you, There's a difference." he said.
"Anything else you care to admit to? Any other apology truths you want to spill?" I smiled
"No, but I have an apology letter that's addressed specifically to you. Is there time for me to read it?"

I looked ahead and saw that the line inside the shop hadn't moved much. "Yeah."

"Dear Jihyun-" he said, pausing. "I apologize for a highly inappropriate conversation about touching yourself that we had years ago. It happened when you were 18, and I was 24. I should've known better."
"You really don't need to apologize to me for that."
"I think I do, I was the adult." he said.
"You were a friend answering a question." I paused. "And the advice definitely came in handy over the years. No doubl meaning intended." He let out a low laugh, and my nipples hardened under my blouse. "I'm serious, Jimin." I swallowed, unsure of whether he was joking about this. "I don't need an apology for that."
"Let me read it anyway." He asked.

"As your best friend, sometimes I forget just how close we are, how much you've been there for me like I've been there for you. Over the years, I've started to realize that ..."
I tuned out his words, focusing on the deep sound of his voice, way it served as a perfect complement to the heat under my seat. Without thinking, I slid my hands between my thighs, pretending that we were in his condo all over again, that we were mid-kiss, and his hand was still under my dress.
"We both know that all of me won't fit this way..." His exact words from that day repeat in my head.

I spread my legs as he continued to speak, biting down on my bottom lip as hard as he did to prevent myself from making a sound

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I spread my legs as he continued to speak, biting down on my bottom lip as hard as he did to prevent myself from making a sound. Pushing the lace of my panties to the side, I pressed two fingers against my soaking wet clit, rubbing it in a slow, pleasurable circle. Just like he'd taught me over the phone years ago. His voice was still playing in my ear, the unknowingly escorting me to the pleasure, sending vibration symphony between my thighs; the heat from the seat made it all this more intense.

"Jihyun......" he said my name, and I shut my eyes as my pussy began to throb against my fingertips. I didn't care what he was saying now, but with every word that dropped from his lips, my hips slid off the seat a bit more.
"Please keep talking..." I said shakely.
"And then..." He obliged, giving me more words for a letter than he gave to anyone else. I sucked in a slow, unstable breath as I neared closer and closer to the edge.

Visions of Jimin's dark brown eyes looking deep into mine collided with fantasies of his lips owning my mouth. Forbidden wishes that could never be fulfilled, flooded my brain. Him kissing me, fucking me, wanting me.


I bit my lip and gripped the sides of Jackson's seat as I came. "My apologies. Sincerely, Park Jimin." His words sounded clearer now.

"Jihyun? Jihyun?" He asked.
"How was that?"
"Completely unexpected."
"I know," he said, a smile in his voice. "I'm still getting used to giving apologies. Do you forgive me?" he asked. I nodded as if he could see me.
"Okay, great, I'll give you the real copy in person. Well, whenever I see you in person anyway." he said.

Ask him about that kiss in his condo now. Ask him if he felt something like you did.

"Wait, Jimin." I let out a breath. "About that kiss in your condo the other night-"
"It's water under the bridge. I've already forgotten about it." He didn't let me finish my sentence.
"Oh, okay. Well, Jackson will be coming back to the car, soon, so..." My heart sank.
"Goodnight." He ended the call before I could say a word, and I tried my best to ignore the strange pang in my chest.

"Ready to experience the best part of the night?" Jackson returned to the car. "I can't wait to try this with you."
"Me either." I vowed to fully focus on what I was building with him from here on out; Jimin was just a friend, and a one-time, good time, nothing more. "What flavors did you buy?"

Once a best friend! || ft. Park Jimin [PJM] { Completed }Where stories live. Discover now