#9 friends

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;our start.

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felix's wet eyelashes fluttered over his puffed, flushed cheeks, weakly locking eyes with chan before the blonde had initiated a kiss on his forehead. even if the gesture was small, it made him feel comforted.

"do you wanna take a shower?" chan asked. he managed to swallow all of his release, but wasn't sure if felix still needed a shower to refresh himself from the dirty act.

the younger stopped to think for a moment, panting and nodding.

without any further said words, chan's muscular arms slipped beneath the brunettes taint, petite body, lifting him with ease as he approached the door which he assumed was the bathroom.

felix blushed, inhaling his cologne. he was too tired to rebel against the blonde and allowed himself to get carried along.

when they arrived, chan was sure to carefully set him down on the toilet seat which was already covered with a towel. he didn't question why though, already having an idea when he saw the lube set on the sink countertop.

"do you need any help?" chan suggested, sincerely wondering if the male needed him to wash his back, or soak his brown locks in shampoo. you know, the usual process of cleaning up.

felix regained a little of his breath and started sprawling a clearer vision. he shook his head 'no'. a part of him still needed time to regain his consciousness but not the point where he couldn't shower himself.

chan took the younger's indication, smiling and turning on his heels to leave the male alone. he didn't forget to remind him; "i'll be outside if you need me." before finally leaving him alone.

as the older left him in the echoing empty bathroom, felix slowly started stretching himself, stumbling his way towards the shower. he lazily yanked away the shirt he once wore, since the material already had stains of cum on the ends of it.

he ran lukewarm water, leaning against the wall as the liquid ran over his body. it seeped through the locks of his browned hair, making him feel contempt on the warmth.

he still was a bit exhausted, but not as much as before. however, his thoughts had activated as soon as he was relaxed.

but they weren't negative thoughts. no, they were thoughts that made him feel delighted. he learned a new technique of sex today. well, even if it wasn't entirely sex, it made him proud that he could remember every move of how chan's tongue roamed him. he just had to reenact it on his girlfriend. easy right?

chan made him feel pleasured and that's the only thing that rummaged in his mind. chan's touches, his demeanor, his hands roaming around his body, the way chan manhandled him after their intercourses, oh god, everything about chan and his deportment was just perfect. and up to felix's liking.

he could get use to this.

squirting a decent amount of shampoo from its bottle, he brought it between his locks and massaged it around his scalp. later rinsing it by standing under the shower hose. he felt so contempt and prideful. nothing could ruin his night-


he scud his eyes wide open, not even minding that he was yet in the middle of rinsing away the soap dispensing down his forehead.

it was the sound of the door ringing, and assuming that he definitely didn't have any friends or be the own to give his address even if he did have any. it could only lead to one conclusion.

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