#42 ending

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'all good things come to and end.'

•:*✿.': ✿.︎-*✿.;.✿': ✿.︎-*✿.:•

the soft battering of the baltic water streaming down to fill the bathtub erupted through the silence between the two. as chan patiently obstructed the stream of water to check on its temperature, he waited for a moment it was enough to fill the bathtub.

a few moments later, he pulled away, glancing back at the brunette sitting in a towel, waiting for him to finish.

and just as he did, he walked over to him, gently prying off his robe and encasing both his arms under his legs and neck, lifting him with extra precaution as he carried him back towards the bathtub.

he placed the brunette down at the gentles way, despite the australian squeaking at the slightest contact of his tush to the tub.

right after placing him down carefully, he too joined the brunette, sitting right behind him as the brunettes back was met with his chest.

they sat in silence for a minute or two, savoring each other's presence, until felix snapped away from his thoughts and leaned back to lay his head on his chest.

a long sigh escaped his lips, before he continued;

"how'd you know?"

upon hearing his sentence without any context, the blonde stringed through his hair and pondered;

"what do you mean?"

reaching out to the free hand of the blonde, the brunette traces his palm and fiddled with his large fingers while continuing his sentence; "i meant, how'd you know that i found out about...everything?"

thinking back, the blonde understood where this question arose from. his arrival was out of the blue, and without a warning, so seeing as to how he appeared to confront the brunette about his feelings was leaving felix in a inquiry.

"seoul-hee called." he replied, "when she told me that you needed my support, i couldn't hold back."

huffing the brunette tiredly closed his eyes when he felt the blonde starting to massage shampoo into his hair, "i wonder why she would do that.."

"maybe she felt guilty?"

'guilty?' the brunette scoffed, 'if anything, i want racheal to feel her guilt.'

"but that's all in the past now.." the blonde started again, "they no longer play a role in our lives anymore, so let's put it all behind us, yeah?"

the brunette blankly blinked at his statement, "but what about jeongin? and your job- is there any other way you can earn? and it's my sister after all, i can't just put a blind eye towards everything she did to us—"

silencing the brunette by placing a peck on the back of his neck, the blonde huffed, "you worry too much.."

sighing again, the brunette sank more into his embrace, "i know."

"close your eyes, darling." blushing at his nickname with the slightest tinge of pink, he obeyed and shut his eyes for a brief moment.

just as chan cupped a decent amount of water in his palms, he rinsed through the brunettes brown locks to wash away all the shampoo he previously applied.

"can i open my eyes now?"

chuckling, the blonde nodded, "yes, you can open your eyes now, lix."

smiling delinquently, he went to switch positions, "i want to wash your hair now!"

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