Chapter 19: Thank You.

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March 30,2014
Julie's P.O.V.
I lay in the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling. It had been four days since I had fallen, I figured I was okay but I felt this sense of worry,of depression, of discomfort. I was worried I wasn't going to be a mother. I was jerked out of my thoughts by Justin rubbing my hand. He said something but I couldn't hear anything.
"I love you."
"I love you,too."
He looked up and immediately turned red.
"What are you doing here?"
I looked up clueless like always.
To my surprise it was Selena.
"I came to apologize."
She walked over to my bed and smiled.
"I was being rude, I tried to steal your boyfriend,or fiancé rather, and now I'm pregnant with his baby... I was wrong about you, and I wanna"
I smiled
"It's fine."
Justin opened his mouth so wide you'd think his jaw was going to break. Then the doctor walked in, her long white coat rustling as she moved to the front of my bed.
"Julie, though I have said this more than I should,your babies are miracles. they are perfectly healthy."
Justin and Selena both smiled with excitement.
"But I'd rather if you stay the night for observation."
I nodded, she smiled,hugged me and shut the door.
It was quiet,looks were exchanged and sighs were admitted.
"Are you staying the night Justin?"
Selena stared at him.
"Um,yeah I was why do you ask?"
She gulped and gripped my hand.
"I was going to see if I could stay."
He glared at her
"I mean I could just leave and come back if you want."
he laughed.
"No, you can stay but don't expect me to leave."
I glared at Justin.
Just then my nurse knocked on the door.
"Come in"
I had shouted part of it and the other half has cracked. She walked in wearing a purple nurse shirt with bunnies on it and plain purple pants, her long strawberry blonde hair was in a ponytail and she was smiling.
"How are you feeling?"
I sat up and smiled
"Any pain?"
She was fixing my IV and looking at my charts.
I nodded.
I held up six fingers. She shook her head.
"Alright I'll get the ultrasound machine and check everything."
I nodded and lay back down. Justin and Selena say in their chairs exchanging glances. my nurse came back in the room with the ultrasound machine,hooked it up, and put the gel on my belly. She rubbed the ultrasound stick over my belly.
"What's wrong?!"
I grabbed Justin tense hand and squeezed.
"Well her stomach has some bruising but--"
The machine admitted a bunch of beeps and the nurse dropped the ultrasound stick.
Justin's P.O.V.
Julie began shaking and the nurse quickly reacted by pressing the emergency button, the intercom boomed and people rushed in. Selena and I were rushed out to the waiting room. We waited for over an hour, I called Julie's mom and dad , and my mom and dad. I was about to go to the cafeteria when I got a call from scooter.
My voice was low and filled with worry and depression.
"Hey,Hows Julie?"
I sniffled and wiped a tear.
"She's uh...she's not doing good.."
I heard him sigh and shuffle around.
"I'm sorry justin, I called to ask if Selena is truly pregnant."
I didn't say anything. I just sat there,the phone next to my ears.
I gulped.
I kinda tuned him out after that, but he was lecturing me.
"You go on a tour in two days."
I stood up.
"What?!? But Julie might still be in the hospital by then! I can't leave her!"
I heard his footsteps in the background and then I heard something fall down.
"Well, I'm sorry but you wanted to be famous."
I was silenced by the doctor walking over towards me, I immediately hung up.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hey guys, new update for yah! I'll be updating, I had to put the date at the top bc it's obviously not March 2014 anymore so I had to put it back to that time.
-The Writer,C.

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