Chapter 14: Wait,What??

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It was the day of my ultrasound,I was sitting in a waiting room in a cold chair it was quiet, and I was with Tia and Dj. Justin couldn't make it, because he had an interview but to make up for that Dj was skyping him with her phone so he'd still technically be there.

"Julie Conaran?"

I jerked my head to see a female nurse motioning for me to go back. I took a deep breath and looked at my friends, last time I was hear I wasn't this nervous because I had Justin to hold my hand but I don't have him with me.I walked to the room she pointed to and Dj and Tia slowly trailed behind me.I laid down on the Ultrasound bed and closed my eyes,I breathed in and out. 

"Babe it's alright."

"Justin,I'm so nervous."

"I know but don't worry you have Tia and Dj there with you."


There was a faint knock on the door, and the doctor walked in. 

"Well Ms.Conaran are you ready to find out the gender of your baby?"

"Um,Ready emotionally no, but I do want to know."

"Alright my nurse here will get my equipment and we will do the Ultrasound while she is getting my equipment I am going to ask some questions." 


"Are you eating right?"

"Yes sir."

"Okay good, Have you felt light headed?"

"Um...No sir."

"Okay my nurse has the equipment,You might feel cold for a little bit but after that you should adjust to it." 

I nodded my head and looked over at my boyfriend who was staring back at me.The doctor hooked the machine up and then he turned it on, He got the gel out and the put some on my stomache. I scrunched my face up from the cold,He rolled the Ultrasound stick over my belly and then watched the moniter.

"Oh my word."

"What?? Is everything fine?!!?"

"Yes,Yes everything is fine, but Ms.Conaran you have twins." 


Justin's eyes closed and just like that he fainted. I covered my mouth up, and watched the phone screen.He jumped up and smiled.Tia and Dj both squealed with excitment. 

"One boy and One girl."


"Julie this is amazing!"

"Yeah....It is..."


"Um,Is that all? Can I go now?"

"Yes Ms.Conaran you may."

"Thank you." 

I got up and walked out the door I closed my eyes and ran into the bathroom, I washed my face and looked in the mirror. 

"Twins...I can't afford that...I can barely afford one.."

I walked out the door but I did a double take when I saw the unthinkable....Selena...With a picture of an Ultrasound...My mouth flew open and I froze. She didn't see me she just walked right up to the front desk and started talking to the lady. 

"Julie! Why did you run off like that??!" 


I pointed towards Selena. 

"Oh no.... come on put my hoodie on and we will leave." 

I put her hoodie on, but it wouldn't go past my stomach...I frowned. Tia and Dj grabbed my arm and we walked out the door, and to the car...I got in the back and stared at my Ultrasound photo...Twins...

"Are Justin Bieber and Julie Conaran having twins??, Justin spilled the beans at an interview with Ellen just moments ago." 

He told, I smiled and called Justin. 


"Yes, Julie?"

"You told everyone I'm having twins?"


"Oh my goodness I can't believe that! What will your beliebers think??"

"I don't know,But I know they will be understanding I mean most of them don't mind you." 

"I love you so much!" 

"I love you,too" 

"Hey Justin you wanna meet at--" 

His phone made a ring sound and I knew he got a text from someone. 




"You what?"

"I got Selena pregnant...." 

Hello, Lovelies! <3 How are ya'll?? IT'S TWINS YOU GUYS!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!! YAY! 

Anyways so BABY MAMA DRAMA!!!! haha Love ya'll 

Follow,Vote,and comment See ya in the next chapter. 

~Cheyenne <3 

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