Chapter 15: Payback

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Selena's P.O.V. 

My plan was coming along quite well....There was one thing I was lacking. 

Julie's P.O.V.


"I was hanging out with my friends, and we got drunk. I was heading home and I saw Selena I knew that meant I should hurry but she stopped me."

"Wait were you walking or--"

"I was walking, I'm not getting a DUI. Anyways she took me to her house, I knew just being there was wrong but she wouldn't let me leave. She undressed......Then she told me to do the same, but when I told her I wouldn't she got on top of me and began removing my clothes....I didn't want it to happen but it did.....I left right after, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you... I just couldn't bare to tell you." 

"It's fine. It was unintentional, I'm the only one that can make you moan so I'm fine." 

"Are you sure?" 

His voice was shaky and I could instantly tell he was crying.

"I promise it doesn't hurt me one bit. I was pregnant first and I'm yours now that's all that matters." 

"Selena Gomez pregnant??? She was seen with an ultrasound picture. How far along is she??

Is Justin the father? Could this mean the end of Julstin and the beginning of Jelena?" 


Dj and Tia starred at me now aware of what was going on. 

"I'll tell you guys later." 



"What are we gonna name our babies?" 

"We already talked about this didn't we?"

"Yeah, but not that well."

"Oh, well I know that the girl's first name is gonna be Ariel..."

"The boy's first name is gonna be...Aiden."

"The boy's middle name will be Drew!" 

"After my middle name?"

"Yup, what about the girl?"

"Her middler name will be Casey." 

Ariel Casey Bieber.... Aiden Drew Bieber.....Perfect, I thought while looking at my belly and rubbing it. 

"Hey Julie, Can I meet you at Starbucks?"

"Sure, Dj, Tia, and I were just about to head there."

"Okay well I'm already here, and I'm kinda looking like an idiot because I've been crying in a Starbucks..."

I giggled. 

"I'll be there in fine minutes. I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you the most." 

"I love you--" 

I hung up before he could finish. 

"Since Dj is currently driving I will ask what happened."

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