Chapter 1 : What?

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Julie's P.O.V.

It had been a total of two weeks since me and Justin have had sex. I wasn't feeling well so Justin decided to hang out with me today. He was off tour he said he needed a break.I was in his arms sleeping. When I suddenly felt...sick like I had to throw up.I got up and started running. 

"Babe? You okay?" 

Justin took off running after me.I was in the bathroom on the floor throwing up in the toliet.

"Baby Girl I am taking you to the doctor."

"No Justin I am fine it's probably just a stomach virus or something."

"Fine. But I am staying the night here to make sure you're okay." 

I smiled and got up. I am hungry. Cooking time!

"Hey hun want some food? I'll cook some for you."

"Hell no. I will cook it I don't need your sick girl germs. Go lie down I'll bring it to you."


I frowned and walked to the couch.I flipped through channels to see what was on. I dropped the remote and screamed.

"Are Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez getting back together? Selena was seen taking a break in the same place as Justin. Are they meeting somewhere? Or is it going to be a one night stand? more importantly who is this secret girl seen with Justin? They were seen shopping together sharing their affection. I will say she is stunning. Did Justin move on? Are you proud? or do you miss Jelena? Who is this girl?"

"What is it baby girl?" 

He instantly smiled.I raised an eyebrow.

"What? why are you smiling?"


"Cause why?"

"Cause I can see your clearvage in that picture."


I walked over and smacked his chest. I smelled something burning.



We both ran into the kitchen.Justin turned off the stove and took the pan off of the burner.


"Yup. Sounds good you can get a discount right? for working there?"

"Yeah. Just let me change"

I jogged upstairs but turned and ran into my bathroom and started throwing up again.

"You okay baby?"

"Yeah I am fine give me a second"

I stopped throwing up and went to my bed room and opened my closet. I pulled out  a black tube top and some high waisted shorts.I then pulled out some black flats. I stripped myself and got into my clothes I put my flats on and went to the bathroom to do my makeup. I first put my long blonde hair in a messy bun.I put some light makeup on and walked out of the bathroom. I grabbed my black clutch off of the table and grabbed my keys.

"Justin Babe, come on Let's go"


Justin walked out the door yanking my arm with him. I unlocked the car and got in. When I got out of the driveway Justin started flipping through radio channels....Until we heard a familiar voice.

"Yes I was very devastated when me and Justin broke up. But it looks like he has moved on. I can't do much about that. I still love him but I will have to let go of him. I mean she has her hands full let me say that she is gorgeous. Although he could do better."

I changed the radio station. I drove to Mcdonald's and parked in the parking lot.We both got out and Paparazzi soon attacked us.

"Justin any thoughts on what Selena said?"

"What's your girlfriend's name?"

Oh no....I feel it again. I threw up instantly. They just continued to take pictures of me.Justin picked me up bridal style and ran into Mcdonald's.

"I am so sorry Justin!"

"Don't be. They deserved it"

I went into the bathroom and cleaned up. When I walked out Justin had already ordered for me and him . He got it to go so we could go ahead and leave.I grabbed the food and we ran out into the swarm of paparazzi. They were shouting questions but one hit me.

"Is your girlfriend pregnant?"

I stopped and stared at Justin. I hadn't thought about that.....Not once

*Author's Note! okie so Chapter one! I actually took a lot of time and thinking to write that...Um the picture is a pic of what Julie wore. Um vote and comment! I'll update more Love yah!*

~Cheyenne <3

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