Chapter 21: Flat line...

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Justin's P.O.V.

I dashed inside the room and there she was..

She was calm, sleeping...

I looked around at her mom.

"Where's Ariel?"

Her mom's eyes watered.

"She was in here for one second, we held her and then the heart monitor they had her hooked up to began beeping and she was rushed away...."

at that moment my emotions began to explode. A nurse rushed in and came up to me, 

"your daughter is at the icu we were able to save her."

I was crying and smiling, I hugged her and cried harder.

"Thank you! bless you!"

My mom finally made it back to the room, I let go of the nurse and hugged my mom.I walked towards the nurse and asked where Ariel was.

"Down the hall to the left."

I ran not even worrying if I ran into someone, I just wanted my baby. my mind was on a lot of stuff, it was thinking about Ariel, Aiden, and Julie.

I just couldn't do it. i was being put through pain, but I also just couldn't leave Julie because she was going through it too.

If I lost Ariel.

I wouldn't know what to do, but if I lost Julie I would never be able to live with myself. I ran up to the glass, there were sleeping babies, there was a baby all by herself, staring up at me.

I knew it was Ariel.

That was my daughter.

I made that.

"Excuse me sir."

"Oh sorry."

I pointed at Ariel.

"That's my daughter, may I see her ?"


I walked in behind her, her nurse outfit made sounds as she walked.

I looked at Ariel, she watched me as I scrubbed my arms and then walked towards her. She began cooing.

"If she stays like this you should be able to take her home in one to two days at the most."

I smiled.

"You look just like your mother."

The nurse smiled, 

"she's a beautiful baby."

"She is.. She has a twin brother.."

"Aiden Drew Bieber?"

I nodded.

"We didn't have to take him in here, it must of been because of her delivery problems."

There was a silence.

"Your wife, she's very strong.... Throughout the whole percedure she was talking to me about you and her babies... She loves you guys."

I began crying as I craddled Ariel.

"Yeah she does."

Ariel smiled at me, she wrapped her hand around my finger.


I looked up at her.

Room 471 was Julie's room.



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