Chapter 20: I dont wanna choose..

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March 20,2014
Justin's P.O.V.
"she's recovering,but just to be safe if it happens again we will need an immediate surgery to save her or the babies, we need you to decide which to save."
I sighed and covered my face. Julie would say I needed to save them, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I gave up the chances to be with her...
I felt a hand on my shoulder, a tear slipped out.
"She'll be okay justin."
I nodded.
"You can go see her now, she may be asleep but I imagine she'll wake up soon."
I shook her hand and walked into Julie's room.
She held her hand out.
I sat on the bed with her and kissed her forehead. it was silent up until I noticed blood. My eyes bulged,I looked over at Julie and her eyes were closed.I pressed the emergency button, I waited and nurses ran in. Juliewoke up, and began screaming.
"She's going in labor!"
My face flushed.
"But, her due date is May the 4th!"
They pulled the blanket off of her and lifted her gown up and checked her dilation.
"Well this baby is ready to come out now."
I acted fast and grabbed her hand,sweat was running down her face, she was breathing fast. I thought about how she had to push two babies out.
"I...I cant...."
"Yes you can."
Selena fainted, and nurses had called other nurses to put her in a room and make sure she was okay. Julie did seem to seem the least bit of fazed.
"Alright, I need you to push."
She began pushing and screaming, her face was red.
"Alright, now stop pushing and breathe."
She stopped and squeezed my hand, she stared at me and kissed my hand.
She began pushing again, then we heard a baby cry.
"It's a boy!"
She smiled, and we kissed.
"Aiden Drew Bieber."
I smiled we had talked about middle names but my middle name wasn't one of them.
"Julie, you don't have to."
"I want--"
Her monitor began beeping.
"She's going into shock, we gotta get that other baby outta there, we need an emergency C-section."
They pulled her bed out and rolled it into another room. I dropped to my knees and cried. I began pound my fists into the floor, I didn't know what to do.
So I decided to call Julie's mom and tell her.
"Um, hey"
I began crying,i decided I couldn't hold it in.
"Justin? What happened?"
"Julie, she uh.. she had our son Aiden Drew Bieber..But uh... something happened and they had to take her to another room.."
I heard her screaming to Julie's dad and I heard bags rumbling and keys rattling. She was crying which in return made Julie's sister cry.
"We'll be there in five minutes."
I didn't say anything, I just hung up.
I didn't know what else to do....I was alone. Normally Julie is here to comfort me....But she's not, and I can't even comfort her.
I ran to her and hugged her,my tears soaking her jacket. she didn't mind, she just patted my back and let me cry.
"Everything was fine, and then she just.... shut down......"
"I know , I know...she'll be fine."
A nurse walked in, holding Aiden she gestured him towards me, and I gently took him. he was beautiful.
Julie's mom and dad ran in. they stopped once they saw Aiden.
"He looks like her..."
A tear slipped out of the corner of my eye. Julie's mom gave Sophie to her Julie's dad. I gave Aiden to her,I then walked out. I walked to the waiting room and just cried, I did everything I could to try not to feel it.The bad thing about emotions is that they don't let you ignore them.
My mom rushed in.
"She's out."
I nearly knocked her down to run back to the room. I opened the door and inside was......
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sorry I can't just tell you in this chapter XD, but anyways follow my other characters on Twitter
Jamie from My living nightmare,The nightmare continues
Justin from my living nightmare,The nightmare continues

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