Chapter 4 : You're Back?

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Julie's P.O.V.

"Hello Julie."

I was shocked... I knew who it was. it was my father. his deep voice sent shivers down my spine. All I could do was stand there in shock.

"I know your shocked. I left you and never came back I am sorry. I have an apartment close by if you wanna catch up I'd love to talk to you and spend time with you. I know you are dating that Justin Bieber guy. I'd like to meet him too."

"uh...I would love to......Dad."

my mom gasped and covered her mouth. Justin hugged her and rubbed her back.

"okay. I actually would rather meet you both at Starbucks. I need caffeine. I am exhausted."

"yeah. that sounds good me and Justin will be there in no time."

"great bye Jay."

Jay was the Nick name he called me. or used to.

"I can't believe this!"

my mom sounded furious and scared at the same time.

"mom I know your upset but remember he is my biological father he is able to see me."

"sweetie I know but he left! he left before you were even born!"

I know what your thinking "how did you know he called you Jay if he never really met you?" well when I was in my mom's stomach he would always call me Jay I only remembered that because it was all I ever knew.

"babe your mom's right. he did leave you and it been 19 years why does he want to see you now ?"

"guys just give him a chance!"

"ok fine go see him......"

" babe I am not sure about this."

"Justin can you at least try to go for me? you do realize your not the only one not wanting to go."

"I guess you are right.... I will go for you baby girl."

I walked past them and went to my closet I pulled out a shirt with ruffles and a pair of jeggings that had a few holes in them. I went to my shoe closet and pulled some sandals.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door.

I changed into my clothes and put my shoes on. I brushed my hair and did my makeup. I didn't use heavy makeup I put on some light makeup. I brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. I picked up my puppy and hugged him. his name was Samson he was about 8 weeks old he was a shitzu. I loved him so much. I went into my bedroom and grabbed my phone and my purse.

"you coming Justin?"


I put Samson on his leash and opened the front door. Justin unlocked my car and got in. I soon got in the passenger seat with Samson. I turned the radio low and started playing with Samson. we were soon at Starbucks.


I took my seat belt off and got out holding Samson in my arms. Justin was waiting for me at the door. we walked in and looked around.

until we saw a man waving at us.

Author's note! (: sorry it took so long! school has been dramatic lately. oh yeah Samson is the puppy I am getting pretty soon. he is so adorable! well update soon! (:


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