Chapter 9: Leave.

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There stood my worst nightmare...... 

"Hello slut. what a lovely thing to walk into."

"Let me just cut to the chase. You have something that is mine. I want it back.NOW." 

Justin moved and slipped the blanket over him. 

"I'm not yours."

"Oh baby....You are.Think about it.She's pregnant. once that baby enters the world it's bye-bye free time."

"Your wrong!"

"Oh am I? You have a job, you go to college, and he is a pop sensation. and all I have to do is just make one call and the paparazzi will be here in 10 minutes, what's your choice?" 

"I will never and I mean ever leave Julie."


"Julie? What?" 

"Just go.....She's right anyways."

"Julie this isn't like you."

"What is? Justin you got me pregnant....I may not be able to live my normal life. what if I have to drop out of college? and what about you? you think Scooter is going to approve of the Bieber baby? What about your mom? Justin I can't! nine months of this will drive me insane! your fans will hate me!"

"Julie they---

"No! Just go both of you!" 

tears threaten to come pouring out but I refused to cry in front of Selena...That's what she wanted... 

"Ok....I'll go."

"Yay! We have so much we need to do I'll call the press!" 

I watched as Justin put his clothes on and walked out my door. 

"You did the right thing Julie. Sorry it had to happen this way. but I told you he's mine.

those words..... he's mine. I had used those same words. I cried thinking about how I could no longer say those words. She could rub them in my face and use them however she wanted. I just didn't care anymore. Because without Justin.... I had no one. My life is just...Fucked up. No lie, No sugar coating it, it's just fucked up. I never help the situation either. 

"You were warned so it's not like you didn't see it coming buh-bye whooooorrrrrrreeeee" 

she started giggling like a school girl. Once she was out of sight I slamed the door. 



"WHY? WHY? WHY?!" 

I punched the wall. Why did I have to do that. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


Are Justin Bieber and Julie Conaran broken up? Him and Selena were see smooching in a Starbucks. Is Julie out of the way for good? Is Jelena back together? What does Julie have to say?!   

"Fuck you is what I have to say!"  

my anger got the best of me and I threw my remote at the TV. There's only one person I can call at a time like this and her name is......   


"Tia....I need you can you come over?" 

"Yeah. I'll be over in a second."  

Her name was Tia Black. She had my back no matter what. 

"Hey babe. What's wrong?" 

Her face was filled with concern. 

"I....I think I had a miscarriage."  

Author's note! :c HEEEEEYYYY! So anyways I put my bestest friend Tia Black in the story (: I gave ya'll a sad part :P Sorry hope you enjoy vote and comment and don't forget to follow me (;

P.S.  that photo up there is who Tia looks like 

~Cheyenne <3 

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